Tag: Syria

Week 42 in Trump

Posted on November 13, 2017 in Politics, Trump

Here’s my plug for the week:

We all hate money in politics. We all think it’s corrupt. Maybe we can come together to force Congress to do something about it. The Citizens United decision makes sure that elected officials spend more time fundraising than they do legislating. A recent poll shows we agree:

  • 81% of Democrats and 79% of Republicans think Congress needs to get money out of politics.
  • 78% think we need “sweeping new laws to reduce the influence of money in politics.”
  • 80% think that money in politics is a bigger problem now than ever before.
  • 93% think their elected officials listen to donors more than to voters.

I recently used OpenSecrets.org to look into the founder of a company I do business with. He gives millions every year to candidates and causes I oppose. Millions. I can’t match that. Not even close. The bottom 95% of us can’t match the top 5%. So let’s put a stop to it. Here are some (mostly bipartisan) places to start if you want to help get this done:

Thanks for indulging me. Here’s what happened this week in politics…


Update: I learned belatedly that Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya told NBC this week that she got some of the information she brought to the Trump Tower meeting with Don Jr. from Glenn Simpson. She received this information part of a case alleging money laundering against Russian company Prevezon in which Fusion GPS had been hired to do research.

  1. Here’s a recap of the Trump associates that we know had contacts with Russian officials during the campaign or transition: Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, J.D. Gordon, Michael Flynn (and his son), Wilbur Ross, and Jeff Sessions. There were 21 known meetings and at least 30 reported meetings. Additional associates knew about the meetings, including Corey Lewandowski and Trump himself. Might not have been such a big deal if they just ‘fessed up in the first place.
  2. Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya says that Trump Jr. asked for evidence that donations were made to Clinton’s campaign using money that had evaded U.S. taxes. She didn’t have any such evidence.
  3. Veselnitskaya also says that Trump Jr. said they’d look into rescinding the Magnitsky Act if Trump won the election.
  4. Robert Mueller interviews Stephen Miller, who attended the meeting in March of 2016 where Papadopoulos said he could arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin.
  5. Mueller questions witnesses about a meeting in September 2016 between Flynn and Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-Cal), bringing a member of Congress into the probe for the first time. We don’t know what was discussed yet, but Kevin McCarthy (R-Cal), once said, “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.”
  6. Corey Lewandowski, who previously had no recollection of conversations about Russia, now says Carter Page’s testimony has refreshed his memory and that he knew of Page’s trip to Russia in 2016 in which Page talked about the campaign with Russian officials.
  7. Trump’s bodyguard testifies that while Trump was in Russia, Trump’s hosts offered to send 5 women to his hotel room but Trump declined.
  8. Mueller requests documents relevant to the proposed Trump Tower in Moscow.
  9. Mueller has enough evidence on Flynn and his son to charge them both. Charges include money laundering, lying to federal agents, and what sounds like conspiracy to kidnap. Flynn allegedly agreed to forcibly remove a Turkish cleric from the U.S. to Turkey for $15 million.
  10. Jared Kushner didn’t disclose on his financial disclosure that a company he cofounded was partially funded by a Russian tech leader (Yuri Milner). Kushner said he never relied on Russian funding for his business ventures.
  11. Unrelated to Russia specifically, the DOJ seeks a plea agreement with Manafort’s son-in-law, Jeffrey Yohai, related to financial crimes involved with Manafort’s crimes.
  12. A federal judge places a gag order on the Manafort and Gates cases, forbidding them from making any public statements that could be prejudicial.
  13. Russian trolls made a final propaganda push as soon as our polls opened on Nov. 8, 2016. They used accounts that they had started years ago to build large followings on social media. These “sleeper” accounts issued very targeted and metered tweets with praise for Trump and contempt for Clinton. This lasted from the time the first polls opened to the time the last ones closed.
  14. Several of the Russian troll Twitter accounts that posted about our election also posted about Brexit, with a big push on voting day in Great Britain.
  15. On his Asia trip, Trump reiterates that he takes Putin at his word when he says Russia didn’t meddle in our elections, contradicting the findings of our intelligence agencies. He says again that there was no collusion.
  16. Trump then flip-flops and says that he believes Putin believes he didn’t meddle in the election, but that Trump himself is with our own intelligence agencies.
  17. Previous intelligence officials say they think Trump is being played by Putin.
  18. A group of House and Senate Republicans are working to discredit Mueller in order to force him out of the investigation. They say we’re in danger of a coup d’etat. They’re trying to tie Mueller to the 2010 Uranium One sale, Bill Clinton’s speeches in Russia, and the Steele dossier. The main players here are Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Louie Gohmert (R-TX).
  19. It’s reported that Trump asked CIA Director Pompeo to meet with a conspiracy theorist who claims that the DNC leaked their own emails instead of the Russians hacking and releasing them. Even Pompeo says that’s wrong, though he once testified that Russia was unsuccessful in its attempts to meddle in our elections. The CIA later walked that back.


  1. A year after his election, Trump has filled eight appellate judges, more than any other president at this point in their term since Nixon. A ninth is in the midst of approval right now.
  2. Just before Trump took office, lawyers joining his administration came up with a plan to fill federal appeals courts with young and conservative judges in order to take advantage of this chance to reshape our judiciary. They started by filling open seats where Democrats in Trump-supporting states are up for re-election next year so they’d feel pressure to approve his nominees.
  3. The Senate Judiciary committee approves Brett Talley, nominated by Trump for a lifetime judgeship. Talley is a lawyer and far-right blogger who has never tried a case.


  1. The White House prepares an executive order that would loosen the requirement that all Americans have health insurance.
  2. The attempts at discouraging people from signing up for the ACA aren’t working. A record number of people signed up in the first week, with 600,000 signing up in just the first four days. Enrollment this year lasts half as long as last year, though some states will allow signups into January.
  3. The Department of Health and Human Services says states can require Medicaid recipients to work in order to receive benefits even though over 70% of recipients are disabled and many of them can’t work.
  4. In a referendum, Maine voters vote to expand Medicaid under the ACA. Maine’s governor, Paul LePage, has refused the expansion ever since the ACA passed, and now says he’ll refuse to implement the voters’ referendum.
  5. Even though Notre Dame fought the ACA requirement to cover birth control in its insurance plans, the school announces they’ll continue coverage through a third party, just like they have ever since the ACA passed.
  6. Five states file a preliminary injunction against the rollback of the birth control mandate of the ACA, calling it unconstitutional and discriminatory.


  1. Trumps spends the week in Asia, meeting with his counterparts in Japan, China, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
  2. Trump asks Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe if Japan could start making cars in the United States. Which theyve been doing for decades.
  3. Trump says Japan could shoot down North Korea’s missiles if they bought American military equipment.
  4. Trump says he doesn’t blame China for what he perceives as one-sided trade deals; he blames previous administrations pretty much for being spineless.
  5. Trump meets with the Philippines’ Duterte on the last days of his trip, ending his trip the way it started—amid protests.
  6. Last week, I missed reporting that the Prime Minister of Lebanon resigned, citing an inability to unify the different religious factions of his government. Now rumors abound that Saudi Arabia is behind this and that the prime minister is a prisoner there. There’s speculation that Saudi Arabia is making a bolder move against Iran.
  7. The Trump administration imposes new travel sanctions on Cuba, rolling back Obama’s opening up of travel to the country. Americans are once again restricted on why they can travel there, and on where they can stay and spend their money in Cuba.
  8. The American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) leader says Trump is hurting diplomacy by cutting senior diplomats and officials in the State Department. The expertise and experience of the exiting officials will be hard (if not impossible) to replace.
  9. Interest in joining the Foreign Service has declined steeply this year.
  10. On top of all that, Tillerson announces plans to offer more buyouts to staff.
  11. A 7.3 earthquake shocks the Iraq/Iran border, killing more than 450.
  12. After spending 10 months learning about the Middle East, Trump’s team begins drafting their peace plan.


  1. Paul Ryan sets a new record for the most closed rules in a session with a total of 49. A closed rule process prevents legislators from proposing amendments to a bill, and Ryan hasn’t let one bill go through the amendment process. He’s the only speaker in modern history to completely forego the open process. So enough already with the “Democrats are obstructing” complaint.
  2. Senate Democrats introduce the Assault Weapons Ban of 2017, a bill to “ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.”
  3. Senators plan to draft a bill that would force all military branches to report domestic violence instances to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The system failed at many points to prevent the Sutherland Springs shooter from obtaining a weapon. The Air Force didn’t report the shooter’s domestic violence background, and the Pentagon says that military branches have failed to report the outcomes of criminal cases to the background check system for decades.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. The DHS ends Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nicaraguans who were allowed into the U.S. in 1998 after Nicaragua was hit by a hurricane. Their status has been routinely renewed for the 19 years they’ve been here, but now they either need to leave or apply for permanent status.
  2. Under the same review, the DHS allows Hondurans here under the same program to stay, with their status to be evaluated at a later time. There are also a number of Haitians and Salvadorans here under TPS.
  3. Trump’s Chief of Staff, John Kelly, puts pressure on Elaine Duke of the DHS to expel the Hondurans who are in the U.S. under TPS, but she declines.
  4. There are around 300,000 immigrants here under TPS who could be deported if their status isn’t renewed. They’ve been here long enough to build lives, careers, and families, including around 275,000 children born in the U.S.
  5. Dozens of DACA applications were delayed by the Postal Service and arrived a day late, even though they were sent weeks in advance. So far, those applications have been rejected, but lawyers are suing to get them accepted.
  6. Under Trump, an estimated 1,400 veterans have been deported.
  7. Illustrating the growing white nationalist sentiment in Europe and the U.S., 60,000 white nationalists march on Poland’s independence day. They want to cleanse Poland of Jews, Muslims, and gay people.


  1. Syria announces they’ll join the Paris climate agreement, leaving the U.S. as the sole climate change denier.
  2. Trump wasn’t invited to the climate change summit later this year in France.
  3. A proposal from the Trump administration would force markets to guarantee profits to coal-fired and nuclear power plants that aren’t doing well in competitive electricity markets. This is most interesting because the GOP has long complained about subsidies for renewable energies while at the same time fossil fuel subsidies have been through the roof.
  4. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) proposes legislation to open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling. Because it’s part of the Budget Resolution, it only requires 51 votes to pass in the Senate.
  5. Senate Democrats call for an investigation into the EPA for their plan to remove independent scientists from advisory boards and replace them instead with scientists from the industries they’re supposed to oversee (fossil fuels and chemicals, mostly).
  6. Documents show that Duke Energy edited reports from professors they hired to study the impact of coal ash ponds on groundwater safety. The professors were supposed to work independently of the company, but emails show they coordinated their work.
  7. Despite last week’s report that manmade climate change is the real deal, the EPA’s Scott Pruitt continues to dismantle the Clean Power Plan. Pruitt says the report is part of the ongoing climate debate.
  8. Filling the void at the federal level, a group of U.S. businessmen and state and local government officials attend the Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, where they showcase their coalition’s plans to meet our commitments to mitigate climate change.


  1. According to the Tax Policy Center’s corrected analysis of the tax plan:

In 2018, 76% of taxpayers would see a tax cut of $1,900 on average, and 7% would see an increase of around $2,100. The top 1% of earners would see the biggest increase. In 2027, 59% of taxpayers would see a tax cut of about $2,300, and 25% would see an increase of about $2,100. The lowest earning 25% would have the greatest percent decrease, while those earning in the 90-95th income percentile would see the greatest increase (largely due to the loss of deductions like state and local taxes). The number of people using itemized deductions would fall by 75% in 2018 and by 65% in 2027.

  1. The CBO says the tax plan will add $1.7 trillion to the debt over the next decade.
  2. The tax plan would discourage post-grad work for college students by taxing them on their tuition waivers.
  3. The Senate releases their tax package, which differs from the House version on some key issues:
    • Delays cutting the corporate tax from 35% to 20% until 2019.
    • Keeps seven brackets instead of reducing them to four.
    • Keeps the estate tax but also doubles the exemption amount.
    • Keeps the mortgage interest deduction.
    • Eliminates the state and local tax deduction.
  1. Trump says that the new tax plan would kill him.
  2. Over 400 of America’s wealthiest sign on to a letter to Congress urging them not to cut their taxes.
  3. In revealing the ways the wealthy save their money, the Paradise Papers also show that U.S. Universities send money overseas to avoid taxes, using offshore accounts to invest in things like oil, gas, and coal.
  4. After months of putting up with Trump’s efforts to renegotiate NAFTA, agricultural groups start fighting to save the agreement. NAFTA has been beneficial to the U.S. ag business, just as TPP would have been. According to one association leader, “The importance of trade to economic growth in the food and ag sector is so fundamental that there tends to be an assumption that everyone understands that.” Obviously, not everybody does.
  5. Hours after Trump says (on his Pacific Rim tour) that we won’t be “taken advantage of anymore” by poor trade agreements, 11 Pacific Rim nations announce key agreements on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement without us.
  6. China also moves ahead on a potential deal with 16 other Asian countries, and the European Union and Japan are working on trade deals with a group of South American countries that includes Brazil and Argentina.
  7. The Department of Education plans to offer buyouts to 255 employees after already cutting about 8% of its staff this year. Betsy DeVos’s budget cuts $9.2 billion from the education budget and gets rid of teacher training and college prep programs. Of course it invests in charter schools and vouchers. Congress will likely restore any cuts she makes.
  8. The DOJ tells AT&T and Time Warner that if they want their merger to go through, they have to sell off CNN.


  1. Democrats make gains in state and local elections across the country, winning the top offices in New Jersey and Virginia, several mayoral elections, and turning one (possibly two) state houses Democrat (there are some recounts in VA). People of color, especially women of color, and openly LGBT people make big gains in elected office.
  2. Four women accuse Republican candidate for Alabama Senate, Roy Moore, of sexual misconduct that allegedly occurred when they were teenagers and Moore was in his 30s.
  3. Trump and Republicans continue to support Moore, using a variety of justifications: They call the accusations unproven; they cast doubt on the women’s reliability (though Moore’s colleagues also say he dated teenagers while in his 30s); and my favorite, a pastor says that Joseph and Mary had the same age difference.
  4. Republicans consider alternatives to Moore, like fielding a write-in candidate or pushing back the election date. They did stop fundraising for Moore, and Mitch McConnell says Moore needs to step down if the allegations are true.
  5. Remember Trump’s voter fraud commission? Committee member Matt Dunlap files a federal suit against the commission saying that Democrats on the committee aren’t being kept apprised of what’s going on.


  1. It’s amazing how quickly rumors sped around that Rand Paul’s attacker was a deranged Democrat. Turns out they just had neighbor issues. But Paul is hurt pretty badly and won’t be back to work for a bit.
  2. The U.S. is one of only three countries that protects the right to bear arms in its constitution.
  3. Trump says the Texas shooting is a mental health issue. Of note, in February the GOP Congress and Trump rescinded a rule that would prevent some mentally disabled people from getting guns.
  4. Representative Ted Lieu (R-Cal) walks out of a moment of silence in the House for the victims of the Texas shooting. Lieu says he can no longer stay silent about gun violence and it’s time for Congress to take action. His short time in office has seen three of the worst mass shootings in the U.S.
  5. After a cooling off period, talks stall in Congress over banning bump stocks like the one used in the Las Vegas shootings. Bump stocks are also being sold again after a brief pause.
  6. Remember when Carl Icahn quietly left his role as Trump’s special advisor on regulatory reform? Well, this week New York state attorneys issue his company several subpoenas around his actions in the market during the time he was advising Trump.
  7. Trump ends the Warrior Canine Connection program, which trains service dogs for wounded veterans and their families. They’ve been partnering with military facilities since 2009. Trainers and puppy raisers at Fort Belvoir and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center were given less than a day to vacate their offices with no reason given.
  8. Mental health professional send a “duty to warn” letter to Congress about Trump’s fitness for office.
  9. The FBI database of gun buyers is missing millions of criminal and mental health records that would prevent some people from getting guns. Agencies responsible for sending the information simply haven’t been doing it.
  10. And now for a little good news, the DOJ is liquidating Bernie Madoff’s companies and distributing recovered funds to his victims. They’ll likely get back about 75% of their losses. It’s still a loss, but at least not a complete loss.


  1. 8% of Trump voters say they’d vote for a generic Democrat in 2020.
  2. After Virginia’s elections, 51% of voters say their vote was partially because of Trump. 34% voted in opposition Trump; 17% voted in support of Trump.
  3. Only 32% of voters in counties that Trump won think the country is better off now; 41% say it’s worse off; and 53% don’t think Trump has a clear agenda.
  4. 65% of Americans don’t think Trump has accomplished much as president.
  5. The percentage of Americans who are very concerned about Trump-Russia contacts rises from 27% in July to 44% today.

Week 31 in Trump

Posted on August 28, 2017 in Politics, Trump

Courtesy of Fox News

Just a heads up, I’ve tried to move information about any of Trump’s rallies to the Elections section, because these are really campaign rallies and nothing else.

If you’re looking for ways to help out with the victims of Hurricane Harvey, here are a few options:



  1. Glen Simpson, cofounder of Fusion GPS, testifies to the House Judiciary Committee. Fusion GPS was hired by unnamed Republicans to get opposition research on Trump, and then after the primaries, they were hired by unnamed Democrats. Fusion commissioned the Steele dossier.
  2. The Senate Intelligence Committee wants to declare WikiLeaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service.” This allows more surveillance of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, and makes intelligence agencies release information about Russian threats to the U.S.
  3. New documents show that while Trump was running for office, his company was working on a deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. They signed a letter of intent, but the project fell through and was abandoned in January of 2016.
  4. Robert Mueller subpoenas testimony from associates of Paul Manafort for his grand jury.
  5. Interesting side note: The PR company Manafort used, Mercury, worked with Anthony Podesta’s company (brother of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta) on a lobbying effort to improve relations between the Ukraine and EU.
  6. Tensions escalate between Trump and some GOP Members of Congress after a series of conversations in which Trump complains to them about the Russia sanctions bill.


  1. Previously it was reported that the DOJ backed off on their request for information on visitors to an anti-Trump website, but this week a court orders the web hosting company to provide the information.
  2. A division of the White House anti-drug office, the National Marijuana Initiative, asks Massachusetts for data on current medical marijuana patients, once again bringing up questions of the right to privacy. I’m not sure how HIPAA regulations tie in here.
  3. Several state officials criticize Jeff Sessions for using incomplete, incorrect, and obsolete data in determining how the DOJ will handle states where marijuana is legal for either recreational or medical use.


  1. It turns out that when Trump spoke at the Boy Scouts Jamboree in Shelley Moore Capito’s state of West Virginia, White House aides told Capito that she could only fly with him to the jamboree on Air Force One if she promised to vote for the healthcare bill. She declined, not having even seen the bill yet.


  1. The U.S. Embassy in Russia suspends tourist visas until September 1 at all locations in Russia. On the 1st, they’ll start granting visas again, but only in Moscow.
  2. Trump reveals his strategy for Afghanistan. Though he had previously criticized the commander there and spoke against increasing troops, Trump ultimately bent to the commander’s will and agreed to a troop surge.
  3. The Afghanistan strategy he revealed is missing concrete details. He talks about meeting benchmarks, but doesn’t give any specifics about what those benchmarks are.
  4. Trump calls his plan dramatically different, but it’s largely a continuation of the previous administration.
  5. In spite of the troop surge, Trump dissolves the office of the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, which engages NATO to coordinate allied actions there.
  6. The U.S. Treasury imposes sanctions against Russian and Chinese companies that provide support to North Korea.
  7. The UN confirms that two shipments from North Korea to Syria were intercepted in the past six months. The shipments were to the government agency in charge of Syria’s chemical weapons program.
  8. North Korea announces it’s producing more rocket engines and warhead tips, though Trump says in his Phoenix speech that we’re making progress with them.
  9. Turkey stops teaching evolution in middle and high school because the theory is too nuanced for young minds. They only teach it in university now, and I guess only to those lucky enough to go to university.
  10. Qatar re-establishes diplomatic ties with Iran after Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the UAE cut off diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar as a way of trying to get them to drop ties with Iran. Can you say backfire?
  11. All terrorist suspects in the Barcelona attacks last week are dead.
  12. An estimated half million people gather in Barcelona to denounce violence, extremism, and Islamophobia after attacks.
  13. Jared Kushner travels to the Mideast to meet with leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan to discuss peace between Israel and Palestine. They’re trying a different method by bringing these surrounding countries to the table.
  14. The military uses questionable accounting methods to count the number of troops abroad to get around the caps put on those numbers under Obama. For example, the cap in Afghanistan is 8,400 troops, but it looks like there are closer to 12,000 troops (thought the Pentagon says there are 5,200 troops there).


  1. Trump contradicts himself in a tweetstorm, first saying that Democrats are blocking congress from getting anything done, and then changing his mind by saying he’s signed more legislation than most administrations. Which is it?

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

Charlottesville Fallout:

  1. The fallout from Trump’s Charlottesville comments continues, with the science envoy resigning from the State Department.
  2. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination criticizes Trump for waffling in his condemnation of hate groups after Charlottesville, saying the U.S. must “unequivocally reject and condemn the racist violent events and demonstrations.” This type of early warning from the panel is usually only used in places with a lot of ethnic and religious violence.
  3. When asked about the UN statement, Tillerson says that the state department upholds American values around the world and that the president speaks for himself, not America. Since when does the president not speak for America?
  4. Paul Ryan says Trump messed up when calling out both sides in Charlottesville, but stops short of saying he should apologize.
  5. Pence says we should build more monuments, not tear any down. “We ought to be celebrating the men and women who have helped our nation move towards a more perfect union and tell the whole story of America.” Soooo we should celebrate those who wanted to secede from the U.S. and fought for the right to enslave blacks? Horse puckey.
  6. Rabbis from four different Jewish groups back out of next month’s traditional calls with the president around the Jewish holidays because of his waffling response.
  7. Seven members of Trump’s infrastructure council resign partly because of his response to Charlottesville.
  8. Economic advisor Gary Cohn publicly rebuked Trump for not being more outspoken against the white supremacist groups in Charlottesville. He also drew up a resignation letter, but decided to stay on instead, saying that Jew-hating white supremacists won’t make this Jew leave his job.
  9. The police response in Charlottesville was so blasé that when a member of the white supremacist groups pointed a gun at the crowd of counter-protestors and then shot at the ground near them, police did nothing. The man was later arrested.
  10. Here’s a summary of Trump’s vacillation around Charlottesville:
    • On the Saturday of the weekend of the violence, Trump calls out both sides and falsely blames the right and the left.
    • On Monday, he gives a scripted statement and denounces hate groups specifically by name.
    • On Tuesday, he yells angrily at reporters and blames both sides again.
    • On the following Monday, he strikes a conciliatory tone and calls for unity.
    • On Tuesday (in Phoenix), he spends about a half an hour blaming both sides and defending his response while omitting the part where he put both sides on the same footing.
    • On Wednesday, he speaks in Reno where he reads from a script and urges love and unity.
  11. Ukraine removes 1,320 statues of Vladimir Lenin and 1,069 Soviet monuments from its public spaces.

The Rest:

  1. Trump threatens to end DACA while his aides push him to protect Dreamers. They want him to use it as a bargaining chip.
  2. Trump implements a new transgender ban in the military, giving John Mattis six months to work out the details (specifically around how to handle transgender troops currently serving). It sounds like no new openly transgender people can join the armed services.
  3. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s daughter, who is also a veteran, responds to the ban, posting “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable.” The rest of the post is, well… she talks like a sailor. I wonder if she and her dad talk politics?
  4. Far-right activists use fake antifa Twitter accounts and images of battered women to smear the left, claiming antifa groups support beating women.
  5. While most of the far-right, pro-Trump rallies scheduled this week across 36 states are cancelled citing security and safety reasons, thousands turn out to denounce white supremacy across the country. San Francisco looks like the largest. Most marches are peaceful, but the antifa in Berkeley have some violent scuffles with small groups of alt-right ralliers.
  6. Unlike during previous strong hurricanes, INS says they’ll keep their checkpoints open as people try to get out of the path of Hurricane Harvey.
  7. Trump controversially pardons Maricopa County’s ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He had previously asked AG Jeff Sessions to stop the federal case against Arpaio. When Sessions said that would be inappropriate, Trump decided to wait until the trial and then grant clemency. He’s been planning this all along.
  8. The pardon generates criticism from all sides—from Democrats to Republicans to Judges. Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, John McCain, and John Kasich, among many others, all speak out. While the pardon is lawful, Trump didn’t officially alert the DOJ and didn’t follow the typical Office of Pardon Attorney process.
  9. According to some nationalists in Trump’s base, the pardon erases any doubt about whether Trump meant to empower them after the Charlottesville violence.
  10. One of Trump’s campaign advisors, Walid Phares, offers to testify on behalf of Iraqi Christians who are being deported under the new administration. The catch? He charges $15,000 a pop. During the campaign, Phares was a strong advocate of Trump’s harsh immigration laws. Opportunist.
  11. During the hurricane, Trump again tweets about how Mexico will pay for the wall, though also he says he’ll shut down the government if Congress doesn’t include funding for the wall in the spending bill. Mexico again reiterates that no, it won’t be paying for a wall.


  1. The Department of the Interior orders the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to stop working on a study on health risks for people who live near mountaintop removal coal mining. The problem is likely toxic metals leaching into the water supply. There are elevated death rates and birth defects in the affected communities.
  2. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke sends Trump his recommendations of changes to the size of three national monuments and management changes for other monuments.
  3. He recommends reducing the size of these monument, most likely to open them up to drilling, mining, logging, or recreational vehicles: Bears Ears (Utah), Grand Staircase-Escalante (Utah), and Cascade-Siskiyou (Oregon).
  4. He also recommends changing management guidelines for several monuments, including allowing fishing in marine sanctuaries (which kind of defeats the purpose, no?).
  5. In response, Patagonia takes out $700,000 in ads against Ryan Zinke.
  6. The EPA pulls out of the Climate Leadership Awards program and conference, which it has the lead sponsor of since 2012. The program recognizes companies that reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions.
  7. Leaders in the petroleum industry publicly praise Trump’s deregulation efforts, but privately wish he’d slow down. They’re afraid of a backlash and of loosening regulations so much that a disaster happens.
  8. Companies that are already retrofitting to meet some of the standards worry that less scrupulous companies will take advantage of looser regulations. For the methane regulation, the fix is cheap and easy, yet publicly the industry still praises its rollback.
  9. Oil and gas companies also fear removing too many regulations will result in severe setbacks for the industry.

  10. Trump prevents the National Park Service from voicing concerns about NRA-backed legislation that would restrict the agency’s jurisdiction over hunting and fishing inside park boundaries.
  11. Alaska’s permafrost is melting as a result of global warming. This, in turn, releases more carbon and methane trapped inside the permafrost, exacerbating the cycle of global warming even further.
  12. Category 4 Hurricane Harvey is the harshest hurricane in a decade to hit the U.S. It quickly diminishes to a category 1 storm, but causes massive damage and flooding. I put this under Climate not because the hurricane was caused by global warming, but because scientists say global warming contributed to the factors that caused massive flooding, including rising sea levels and a new tendency for pressure systems to hold weather patterns in place.
  13. Help comes from all over to assist with the flooding. Louisiana, New York, California, Utah, North Carolina, and more states all send assistance.
  14. Questions abound over why Houston and Harris County weren’t evacuated. Evacuating 6.5 million people is no easy task, and would have required more time than they had. Also they thought maybe the media was hyping it up… fake news, right?
  15. The hurricane shuts down oil and gas facilities in the gulf and companies evacuate drilling platforms. Experts predict gas prices might increase as much as 24 cents a gallon.


  1. Despite Trump’s threats, Mitch McConnell is certain the debt ceiling raise will go through.
  2. Trump threatens to terminate NAFTA in a tweet because Canada and Mexico are being difficult. This would cut us off economically from our neighbors. So much for the art of the deal.
  3. The deadline for tax reform has been punted from the August recess to Thanksgiving and now to the end of the year. Trump had originally planned to release his own tax reform plan at the end of August recess, but now they say they’re leaving the plan up to Congress.
  4. The tax reform details are sketchy, but so far it looks like they want to lower taxes on corporations and make up for it by getting rid of certain loopholes for taxpayers (like interest deductions on your mortgage and federal deductions for state and local taxes). In plain terms, taxes for corporations go down; taxes for most people go up.
  5. Also on the table in the tax plan is taxing 401k contributions. WTF? What would be the benefit of putting money in a 401k in that case?
  6. Trump blames McConnell and Ryan for the debt ceiling “mess,” saying if they would’ve listened to Trump and tagged it on to the veteran’s bill, it would be done already. Now, Trump says, Democrats are holding it up, which is patently false since it hasn’t even been brought down for debate yet.


  1. Following the previous week’s ruling that the Texas district lines were discriminatory and unconstitutional, a court this week rules that the rewrite of the Texas voter ID law is also discriminatory and unconstitutional. This is the second time the voter ID law has been struck down. Texas has had six such violations so far this year. If it gets four more, it’s a civil rights violation.
  2. Trump holds another 2020 election rally, this time in Phoenix. He spends about half of his 77-minute speech defending his response to Charlottesville, omitting key parts of his response. He attacks two Republican senators in their home state, lies about his crowd size and the size of the crowd protesting him, goes after the media, and blames Democrats for Republicans not being able to get anything done. Tip: Republicans don’t need Democrats to get anything done right now.
  3. I’m not going to go through the entire speech, but CNN critiques it here if you’re interested.
  4. A study shows that 1 in 10 Bernie Sanders primary voters voted for Trump in the general, enough to make a difference in the three states that won him the election. Note that some transfer between the primaries and the general election is normal. We’ve been hearing it was about the economy and trade, but the study shows that these hardly played a role. The biggest factor was race. (I haven’t broken down the source data, but NPR has a pretty good summary.)
  5. GOP leaders express support for Jeff Flake after Trump’s criticism. The Senate Leadership Fund plans to target his primary opponent, Kelli Ward, who Trump has been praising.


  1. A prankster who emails one of Breitbart’s editors reveals that, more than getting out the truth, the site is interested in propaganda, specifically smearing whoever Bannon says.
  2. The rift between McConnell and Trump deepens, and the two haven’t spoken in weeks; not since their August 9 call that devolved into a screaming match..
  3. By one count, Trump has made 1057 false or misleading statements since his inauguration, averaging nearly five a day.
  4. Another one for your White House bingo card: Sebastian Gorka’s out. There’s a dispute over whether he quit or was fired.
  5. GOP Senator Thom Tillis introduces bill to protect Mueller. Trump calls him to tell him he hopes it doesn’t pass.
  6. Trump monitors the situation in Texas closely over the weekend, and FEMA is on the ground and working, but Trump also found time to tweet insults to Claire McCaskill, promises for a wall with Mexico, and threats to pull out of NAFTA.
  7. After aides warn him not to, Trump looks directly at the eclipse.
  8. Military officials appear to consolidate power in the White House as they continue to advise a president with little foreign experience.
  9. After last week’s destroyer accident that killed 10, the Navy Admiral in charge of the boat is relieved of his command.
  10. John Kelly and White House staff secretary Rob Porter now make the decisions on what gets to the president. Members of the conservative media complain. It looks like uber-conservative sites like Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and Infowars are out.
  11. Despite quitting five weeks ago, Sean Spicer is still at the White House and apparently still getting a paycheck.
  12. Jim Mattis speaks to soldiers in Jordan, telling them they’re a great example to our country right now and that they need to hold the line until Americans get back to understanding and respecting each other and just being friendly again.
  13. OSHA removes the list of workplace deaths from the home page of its website and replaces it with ways companies can voluntarily work with OSHA to improve safety.
  14. Trump says he’ll visit Texas as soon as he can do so without disruption.

Week 27 in Trump

Posted on July 31, 2017 in Politics, Trump

People are calling this week one of the worst for any president’s inaugural year in modern history… with some obvious exceptions, I’m guessing. The Boy Scouts had to apologize for Trump, New York police departments had to disclaim his remarks, the Pentagon got caught off-guard by his tweeted transgender ban, Congress failed to repeal the ACA (but they did manage to restrict Trump on Russia sanctions), the new comms director gave an immensely foul interview, Trump undermined his attorney general, he changed his chief of staff, and North Korea can reach us with a missile.

Here’s what happened this week:


  1. Jared Kushner releases a written statement before testifying for Congress behind closed doors.
  2. Kushner discloses yet another previously undisclosed meeting with Russian officials that happened last April at the Mayflower Hotel. Actually, he confirms that the meeting he was already suspected of having actually did happen.
  3. Kushner also says he met with a Russian banker, Sergei Gorkov, to set up a private line of communication with Putin.
  4. Brian Benczkowsi, the nominee to head the criminal division at the Justice Department, says he worked for Russia’s Alfa Bank last year. He helped them determine whether its computers contacted the Trump Organization.
  5. The House finds agreement on the sanctions bill and forwards it to the Senate where it also passes.
  6. Trump announces he’ll sign the sanctions bill after congress threatens an override.
  7. In retaliation for the new Russian sanctions, Putin shuts down U.S. facilities in Russia and kicks out 755 U.S. foreign agents.
  8. The EU says they support sanctions but also voice concerns over how this will affect their workers in the energy sector.
  9. This part of the story is convoluted and I’m a bit confused about where things stand. I think we’ll have to wait for answers on this one. I am honestly not trying to ″Rachel Maddow″ the dots together here.
    • William Browder, an associate of Sergei Magnitsky, testifies to Congress.
    • He claims that Fusion GPS, the group that commissioned the Steel dossier, worked for Russian interests last year, including the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. (Veselnitskaya).
    • Browder also says Congress should investigate Fusion GPS for not registering as foreign agents under FARA and that they were hired to smear him and Magnitksy.
    • Fusion GPS says that they did work for an American law firm and not Russian interests, and therefore didn’t need to register.
    • Sarah Huckabee Sanders asserts that the author of the Steele dossier was also being paid by Russia. I think that’s what she took away from Browder’s testimony.
    • Magnitsky had uncovered $230 million in tax fraud by Russian interests. His treatment and subsequent death in a Russian prison led to the Magnitsky Act (sanctions) and subsequent hold on adoptions of Russian children.
    • The meeting with Donald Jr. and Veselnitskaya last year was likely about the Magnitsky act, though she baited him with dirt on Clinton.
    • A few years ago, the U.S. began a lawsuit against Russian-owned Prevezon Holdings, which was using real estate holdings in New York to launder money (related to the fraud Magnitsky found).
    • Jared Kushner bought New York real estate from Africa Israel Investments (AFI), which is a partner to Prevezon Holdings.
    • The Prevezon case was abruptly settled in May for $6 million and no admission of guilt. Full circle, right?
  10. Senator Lindsey Graham says he’s writing a bill that will protect the investigation and make it harder for Trump to fire special counsel Mueller.
  11. It seems that Russia’s meddling in our election has so far backfired. Relations between our countries have sunk even lower, and Trump’s hands are tied with the latest sanctions bill.
  12. Scaramucci, citing an anonymous source, says that if the Russians actually did hack our computer systems we’d never know it because they’re that good. They wouldn’t leave a trace. He later outs his own source—Trump.
  13. Security software company Kaspersky Labs continues to take a hit over rumors that it leaves a backdoor open for Russian hacking.


  1. Trump continues to berate AG Jeff sessions, saying he’s going too easy on Hillary and that she never got the level of scrutiny that Trump is. Really? Where was he in 2015 and 2016? Or for the past 30 years for that matter? This widens speculation that Trump will fire Sessions.
  2. In one of his many tweet storms this week, Trump tweets unsubstantiated info about Hillary and wonders why Sessions didn’t investigate her harder… before he was even AG.
  3. Trump reportedly asks whether he should replace Sessions with a major conservative. If Sessions isn’t a major conservative, I don’t know who is.
  4. As Trump continues his public denigration of Sessions, some speculate he’s trying to make Sessions quit so he doesn’t have to fire him. Sessions has no intention of quitting.
  5. The two men are reportedly no longer talking to each other. Instead they send messages through intermediaries.
  6. Senators are quick to come to Sessions’ defense and to warn Trump away from firing him.


  1. Texas Representative Blake Farenthold calls out and insults Susan Collins, Shelley Moore Capito, and Lisa Murkowski for their continued opposition to what they call bad bills. Blake says their actions are repugnant. Collins is later caught on a hot mike criticizing Blake’s appearance and wondering if Trump is crazy, also saying she’s worried. Collins and Blake end up making nice.
  2. Pence comes in to break a tie in the Senate to bring the healthcare bill to the floor for debate. Collins and Murkowski continue to vote country over party.
  3. At Trump’s request, Ryan Zinke, department head of the interior, calls Murkowski to say that her vote would affect programs in her state of Alaska. Murkowski then cancels hearings on nominee confirmations, including three to the Department of the Interior.
  4. After a dramatic week, the Senate fails to pass any healthcare bills. They voted on multiple versions: the Ted Cruz amendment, full repeal with no replacement, Medicare for all, and skinny repeal (the final nail in the coffin).
  5. Throughout the week, Trump continues pressure on and threats against Republican Senators who aren’t supporting these bills or this process, but based on his words, he doesn’t seem to have a grasp of what is in any of those bills.
  6. At one point, Democrats threaten to stall the bill and stop proposing amendments until they can see the actual text of the bill they are supposed to be debating.
  7. By the night before the final vote, Republicans still have not released the text of what they’re supposed to vote on after debate.
  8. While Senate Republicans want to pass SOME bill, they don’t want the bill they pass to become law.
  9. Some Senators say they won’t vote for their own bill unless House Republicans assure them that they will not pass it as is. There are rumors, though, that the House is ready to pass whatever the Senate sends them.
  10. Skinny repeal would likely have sent existing markets into turmoil, raised rates, and kicked people off insurance. This bill would’ve essentially defunded the ACA but kept some of the popular requirements.
  11. The bill fails because Republican holdouts Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski continue to oppose on the grounds that their constituents will be hurt by it, and because John McCain has nothing left to lose so he did the right thing and opposed it.
  12. Trump threatens to let the ACA implode, even to force its failure. He could stop the payments to insurance companies that keep prices down. For a select group, prices aren’t low now, so they will be priced out of the market completely.
  13. The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus in the House has quietly been working on a plan to fix the ACA. More to come on this next week.
  14. Because Republicans have campaigned on repealing the ACA and maligned the bill for so long, they will likely keep working on ways to repeal it. This could suck up valuable time when they could be getting stuff done instead.


  1. Hundreds of thousands of protestors in Poland turn out to demonstrate against the politicization of the judicial branch. In a surprise move, the Polish president vetoes the bill.
  2. Venezuela also continues its move toward authoritarianism, holding a vote that sparked violent protests across the county. The vote creates a new panel to rewrite their constitution.
  3. Trump tweets that the Washington Post got it wrong when they reported that the U.S. was ending a program to arm Syrian rebels, but then later confirmed the story.
  4. Trump announces he’ll nominate Sam Brownback (governor of Kansas) to serve as ambassador at large for international religious freedom. Brownback has recently faced blowback from his own Republican legislature because he went too far on tax cuts.
  5. While the administration works on ways to more strictly enforce the Iran deal, they’re also working to fix perceived flaws in the plan. If they don’t get the fixes in, Trump wants to pull out of the deal (even though top military officials say this is the best deal they can get).
  6. Tillerson wants to eliminate dozens of special envoy positions that deal with specific issues, like food shortages, civil rights, and labor rights. The more we can stabilize regions that need this help, the more secure we are as a country.
  7. North Korea executes another missile launch that puts the U.S. definitely within range of a strike. Trump again tweets his displeasure at China’s lack of help here.
  8. The U.S. flies two B-1 bombers over the Korean Peninsula and conducts a successful test of the missile defense system.
  9. After previously announcing a ramp up in troops in Afghanistan, Trump and his generals can’t agree on a plan. He’s now considering plans to scale back our troops there. But he’s also looking into making mining deals with the Afghan government, which would give him a reason to keep troops there.
  10. The extremist group Al-Shabab releases a video saying that U.S. voters elected “arguably the most stupid president a country could ever have” and that Trump is “making the United States the greatest joke on earth and is now propelling it further to its eventual defeat and destruction.”


  1. House Republicans send down two bills for a vote under suspension of rules. This expedites the process, limits debate to under an hour, allows no amendments, and requires 2/3 majority. In protest of the process, House Democrats and a few Republicans stop the passage of these completely non-controversial bills.
  2. Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee block Democrat requests to obtain Treasury Department documents on Trump.
  3. Using Congressional Review, the House rescinds a rule that would make it easier for Americans to bring lawsuits against financial institutions. It goes to the Senate for a vote.
  4. Upon his return from surgery followed by a cancer diagnosis, John McCain delivers a stern warning to Congress, saying they are getting nothing done. Complaining about bipartisanship, he says “There’s greater satisfaction in respecting our differences but not letting them prevent agreements.” It’s a pretty good speech; you can listen to it here.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. ICE agents have mixed feelings about deportations under Trump. Some feel they are freer to do their jobs and some feel they’re targeting vulnerable populations.
  2. Through a series of tweets, Trump announces he’ll ban transgender people from serving in the military in any capacity, reversing Obama’s direction. He cites disruption and higher medical costs.
  3. The Pentagon is taken by surprise and directs all queries on this to the White House, suggesting that even though Trump says he consulted his Generals, he probably didn’t.
  4. The Joint Chiefs of Staff say they were blindsided by this announcement. As of Thursday they hadn’t received any guidance on how to implement the ban.
  5. We currently have thousands transgender troops serving. Studies find the costs to be minimal with little to no disruption.
  6. It turns out Trump was just talking out of his ass (again). Joe Dunford, on behalf of the joint chiefs, says that there are no planned changes to the military’s policy on transgender troops despite Trump’s tweets.
  7. On the same day Trump tweets the ban, the Department of Justice files a legal brief saying that the Civil Rights Act doesn’t cover discrimination based on sexual orientation. It isn’t typical for the DoJ to weigh in on court cases like this.
  8. The House approves a spending bill that includes initial spending for the wall.


  1. The Department of the Interior proposes to rescind safety rules on fracking and underwater drilling equipment. They’ve already rolled back a rule banning coal mining on pubic lands, as well as delayed methane emission controls.
  2. Changes are coming to the EPA museum. It’s being changed to reflect the administration’s disbelief in global warming. Displays that are already set up will be removed, and the EPA is thinking of adding a coal display.
  3. In one 3-month period, Scott Pruitt spend nearly half his time in Oklahoma or traveling to and from there. It makes me wonder where he finds the time to destroy the agency he runs.


  1. Frustrated that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) won’t score their plans positively, Republicans plan to cut 89 jobs and $15 million in funding from the CBO. Piggybacking on their disbelief in science, they want the CBO to be a number aggregator rather than an independent number cruncher. Of note, the CBO has one of the most accurate track records of all similar estimators.
  2. Foxconn Technology Group announces that it’s in talks to build a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin. It could employ 3,000 to 13,000 people, and would receive up to $3 billion in subsidies.
  3. The Treasury Department shuts down an Obama program to help people whose companies don’t offer 401Ks to save for retirement anyway. The program was called MyRA.
  4. As mentioned above, the House passes a spending bill that includes $1.6 billion to start the border wall. It also gives a huge increase ($68.1 billion more) to the Pentagon. This might come up against spending limits set by earlier budget laws.
  5. Republicans in the House, Treasury, and administration are eager to dig in on tax reform, but are still light on details.


  1. A federal judge rules that the Elections Integrity Commission is free to request voter roll data from states, including names, addresses, partial SSNs, party registration, felony convictions, and voting record (whether you voted, not who you voted for because that actually is secret). The judge did not rule on whether the commission can compel states to turn the info over.


  1. In an apparent attempt to get science on board, Ivanka misattributes a tweet to Einstein: “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. – Albert Einstein ‪#quote ‪#sunday“‬
  2. Trump again shows disrespect for Obama and Clinton both, by getting attendees at the Boy Scouts Jamboree to boo them during his speech. Boy Scouts. Way to cultivate their good souls.
  3. I’m not going to regurgitate Trump’s speech to the Boy Scouts because it’s hard to listen to. While there were some good bits mixed in with the bad, the speech is so partisan—and offensive—that the BSA feels obligated to put out a statement defending their honor.
  4. On complaints that their statement isn’t strong enough, the BSA issues an apology to the families of Boy Scouts for Trump inserting politics into the event.
  5. And then… Police departments in and around New York City have to issue a statement denouncing Trump’s remarks to them about new tactics to fight the MS13 gang. Trump advocated for officers to rough up suspects.
  6. And then… Trump holds another political rally in Ohio where he again puts out false and misleading information (see factcheck.org’s check).
  7. By now this is old news because Scaramucci is no longer with us. But here’s what led up to that.
    • Scaramucci promises to hunt down and fire leakers. Michael Short is the first to leave after Scaramucci says he’ll fire him.
    • Scaramucci accuses Reince Priebus of leaking financial information on him, but it turns out the information is publicly available. Still, he says the leak is a felony.
    • Scaramucci creates a diagram on news organizations to which they think Priebus leaked information.
    • Scaramucci gives a completely cray-cray interview to the New Yorker. As comms director, he apparently doesn’t know he needs to say ″off the record″ if he doesn’t want the information released. It is unbelievably profane.
    • New Chief of Staff Kelly says get this guy outta here, and now Scaramucci is gone. Quick as that.
  8. Democrats release their new agenda, A Better Deal, which includes an infrastructure plan and a plan to help workers by increasing wages and providing paid family and sick leave.
  9. House Republicans call for a special counsel to investigate James Comey, Hillary Clinton, and Loretta Lynch.
  10. Reince Priebus “resigns” as White House Chief of Staff. Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly takes his place. We learn this via Twitter. This leaves Trump with no real close relationships with high-profile members of the GOP. It also leaves him with an opening at DHS.
  11. Betsy DeVos sits on thousands of applications for debt relief from students defrauded by for-profit universities. She’s delayed Obama’s debt relief program, while thousands of people owe money for promises that were never delivered.
  12. Kellyanne Conway says Trump really does believe that Obama wiretapped him and that there were millions of undocumented immigrants who voted for Hillary (giving her the popular vote though he doesn’t think she won the popular vote).
  13. Six hours after pre-orders are announced for Hillary Clinton’s new book, it hit number 1 on Amazon.
  14. Interesting note: Behind the scenes, Marco Rubio maintains a database of political prisoners and human rights victims, He advocates for them generally through the state department and sometimes directly through world leaders.
  15. An aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz is arrested for bank fraud. This is part of a bigger investigation, so I’m sure there’s more to come.
  16. Tillerson takes a little time off.
  17. Rick Perry is duped into taking a phone interview with some Russian comedians.
  18. Career civil servants in the Department of Energy say they aren’t getting any direction or policy information, and no one is sharing information with them. Nothing is getting done.


  1. 49% of those who voted for Trump still believe he won the popular vote. Only 40% believe Clinton did.
  2. 58% of Americans think transgender troops should be able to serve in the military.
  3. Trump averages higher than 50% approval ratings in these states: West Virginia (60% approval), North Dakota (59%), South Dakota (57%), Montana (56%), Wyoming (56%), Alabama (55%), Oklahoma (54%), Kansas (53%), Kentucky (53%), Arkansas (53%), and Idaho (53%).
  4. Americans are divided over whether Trump should be removed from office 42% to 42%.

Political Quotes:

  1. Jeff Flake, Republican Senator from Arizona, talking about the baseball field shooting that left Scalise in the hospital:
    “The deterioration of political discourse in general aids this. When we ascribe motives to our opponents, that they are evil, then we’ve almost given license to extreme behavior.”

Week 26 in Trump

Posted on July 24, 2017 in Politics, Trump

Since we’re at the half-year mark, here’s a status update courtesy of Politico (plus a few extra):

  • Healthcare: Stalled for now, likely dead.
  • Infrastructure: This has moved to low place on the totem pole, with no signs of movement.
  • Tax Reform: Uncertain. Congress can’t do much with this until they pass a 2018 budget, which conservatives are already talking about killing.
  • Government Spending/Debt Ceiling: Behind. This needs to get done by the end of September.
  • The Wall: Stalled with the spending bill and budget, though companies are beginning soil tests to figure out the required structure of the wall.
  • Immigration: The ban is in place, sort of. It’s unclear where they are on analyzing and updating the vetting process.
  • ISIS: A strategy just came out that is very similar to Obama’s.
  • Supreme Court: A conservative judge, Gorsuch, is firmly in place.
  • Climate: This is probably where the most progress has been, though states and cities are able to mitigate. Trump announced our withdrawal from the Paris accord, and Congress has rescinded a gazillion environmental protections. Zinke is looking at which national monument designations he can remove or shrink. Also, the cabinet is full of global warming deniers. So things aren’t looking so great for the environment.


  1. Revelations from the Russia/Trump Jr. meeting reveal that one of Russia’s goals in all this was to get the Magnitsky act repealed (in other words, sanctions).
  2. Robert Mueller asks the White House to keep all documents around the above meeting.
  3. Both Manafort and Trump Jr. make a deal with congressional committees to avoid a public hearing and instead to testify privately.
  4. Two weeks before Kushner released the emails about the meeting, the Trump reelection campaign paid $50,000 to Kushner’s attorney.
  5. It turns out Trump had a second meeting with Putin after their official 2 1/4 hour official meeting; this one was informal and lasted around an hour. The meeting was at a dinner at the G20, and the only other person speaking with them was Putin’s interpreter (though the other leaders and diplomats were around).
  6. Trump says he and Putin talked about adoptions, which we now know is code word for sanctions.
  7. Trump says he wouldn’t have nominated Jeff Sessions if he would’ve known he was going to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
  8. Trump warns Mueller against expanding the scope of his investigation to include financial and business transactions. The next day, we learn that Mueller is investigating business and real estate transactions between Russia and Trump businesses and associates.
  9. Trump’s team of lawyers look into ways to undermine Mueller and his investigation, as surrogates make the talk show rounds to throw doubt on both.
  10. Trump wonders if he can pardon his family and even himself. His lawyers are looking into it. There’s no real precedent, though documents from Nixon’s hearings could provide some guidance.
  11. He later asserts that he can pardon himself, saying he has the complete power to pardon his family, aides, and himself.
  12. The Senate Intelligence Committee thinks the Trump campaign digital team might have assisted Russians by boosting and helping to target fake stories. They’re investigating, but not likely to get help from companies like Facebook.
  13. Manafort’s troubles keep growing. Mueller is investigating him for possible money laundering involving contacts in Russia and the Ukraine, and before joining the Trump campaign he was millions in debt to pro-Russia interests.
  14. Trump’s personal lawyer, Mark Kasowitz, steps down as head of the legal team. The legal team’s spokesman, Mark Corallo, quits over disagreements about smearing Mueller and over all the infighting in the White House.
  15. After Jeff Sessions denied any meetings with Russian operatives, we learn that he did meet with their ambassador to the U.S. After Sessions admitted to that meeting but denied they spoke about campaign or policy issues, intelligence intercepts show that they did indeed talk about such things (according to the ambassador).
  16. The House finally reaches agreement on a Russia sanctions bill that would require congressional approval to lift sanctions on Russia.
  17. Susan Rice meets with the Senate Intelligence Committee, likely around unmasking U.S. names in intercepts.
  18. In case you were wondering, the special investigation into Bill Clinton headed by Kenneth Starr concluded that not even the president is above the law and therefore can be prosecuted. So yes, Trump could be prosecuted if Mueller’s investigation finds any illegal activity.


  1. Jeff Sessions reverses a policy that made it harder for local law enforcement to confiscate property of people who are merely suspected of a crime. Not charged, not indicted, not found guilty. Just suspected.
  2. The Senate confirms John K Bush to a lifetime appointment to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He once compared abortion with slavery, saying they are “the two greatest tragedies in our country.”


  1. Two more senators oppose the revised healthcare bill and it is effectively dead.
  2. In [what I thought was] a last-ditch effort, Mitch McConnell tries to push for a repeal-only bill that would delay actual repeal for two years (that is, after next year’s midterm elections). But it would repeal the mandate immediately, causing turmoil in the marketplaces. This doesn’t fly either.
  3. This is similar to a plan the Republicans passed in 2015 under reconciliation, but they knew Obama would veto it. That they can’t pass it now makes me think they were bluffing the last times they tried to repeal it in full or in part.
  4. Republicans play with a plan to stop supporting portions of the ACA to make it fail. This throws a curve ball into the insurance markets, so we can expect higher costs and fewer choices next year. Trump alternatively supports and rejects this.
  5. Trump hosts Republicans for lunch to talk healthcare, telling them they should work on repeal through the August recess. He says every American should have a good health care plan, apparently not understanding that repealing the ACA leaves us with no plan. He also issued not-so-thinly veiled threats to Senators who are holding out.
  6. If the senate actually repeals the ACA without any replacement, the CBO estimates that 32 million more people will be uninsured.
  7. In an interview Trump says, “Because you are basically saying from the moment the insurance, you’re 21 years old, you start working and you’re paying $12 a year for insurance, and by the time you’re 70, you get a nice plan.” TWELVE DOLLARS? Try $12,000, if you’re lucky. This possibly explains the disconnect between the Republican plan and the actual reality of insurance. A Republican defended him saying he doesn’t need to know every detail. Some think he’s mixing up health insurance with an ad for life insurance that plays on Fox.
  8. The Department of Health and Human Services releases a fake score of Ted Cruz’s amendment to the healthcare bill. The CBO has had trouble scoring it because Cruz’s office won’t respond to questions.
  9. Legal experts request an investigation into the Department of Health and Human Services’ use of ACA funds to create a propaganda campaign against the ACA. They allege that HHS used funds designated to provide helpful information about the ACA. Some of the videos they produced highlighted personal stories caused by states not accepting the Medicaid expansion, and some caused by misunderstanding patient rights under the law.
  10. The Trump administration ends ACA contracts that helped shoppers get insurance through the exchanges. This, along with shortening the sign-up period, minimizing information campaigns, and creating anti-ACA propaganda, indicates that they are ready to force this ship to sink.
  11. But then, this effort just won’t die. By the end of the week, McConnell is still looking to pull something together for a vote. Senate Republicans plan a vote on whether to begin debate on a bill. Though there is confusion over which bill is actually going to be up for a vote.
  12. Democrats say certain wording in the bill needs to be removed because it doesn’t comply with reconciliation rules… but how do they know which bill they’re voting on?
  13. Trump says the healthcare bill will put money in the pockets of middle- and low-income earners, but the $700 billion in cuts will likely go mostly to the most wealthy.


  1. Trump recertifies the Iran nuclear deal after a few hours of arguing with his national security advisors. This needs to be recertified every 90 days.
  2. He then puts together a group of White House staffers to come up with reasons not to recertify the Iran nuclear deal when it comes up next time around, bypassing the State Department. And apparently not judging it on what actually goes down over the next three months.
  3. Trump ends the CIA’s ongoing program to arm and train Syrian rebels fighting Assad, something Russia’s been wanting for a while.
  4. The EU threatens to remove Poland’s EU voting rights in response to Poland’s government’s plans to put the judiciary branch under full political control.
  5. Tillerson shuts down the war crimes office of the State Department.
  6. Trump’s nominee to head the Import-Export Bank has previously said he’d like to shut it down. No surprise here, based on recent experience.
  7. Trump nominates Jon Huntsman as ambassador to Russia.
  8. A strategy document outlining the Trump administration’s approach to defeating ISIS indicates that they plan to pretty much carry on with Obama’s approach without having learned from his errors.
  9. The administration puts the kibosh on travel to North Korea.


  1. House Republicans working on the defense spending bill remove an amendment that would have repealed the 2001 Authorization of War. The amendment had bipartisan support in the Appropriations Committee.
  2. Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls a special session of Senate to push through Republican initiatives, including a bathroom bill, abortion bills, limits on local ordinances, school vouchers, voter fraud investigations, and restricting union dues, among other issues. This draws community protests and criticism from local officials.
  3. The House Appropriations Committee approves the destruction of all remaining wild mustangs in the U.S.
  4. Representative Steve Cohen of Tennessee files a no-confidence resolution against Trump, citing 88 reasons he’s unfit for office. This will not pass the House.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. Six months later… When immigrants take the oath of citizenship, the welcome letter in their citizenship packet is still signed by Obama.
  2. The Supreme Court upholds a Hawaii judge’s ruling that extended family is exempted from the travel ban, so grandparents, nieces, and other relatives of U.S. residents can enter the country. However, the court struck down an exemption for certain refugees.
  3. Kim Davis’s refusal to issue marriages licenses to same-sex couples ends up costing Kentucky $224,000 in legal fees and costs.


  1. California passed a bipartisan bill to extend the state’s cap-and-trade program. Far-left says it doesn’t go far enough; far-right says it’s too restrictive on businesses.
  2. The Army Corps of engineers says it’ll need the rest of 2017 to perform a court-ordered environmental review of DAPL. They’re suing to keep the pipeline running during the review.
  3. A study ordered by Energy Secretary Rick Perry showed that, contrary to Perry’s claims, solar and wind power don’t reduce the reliability of the electric grid. In fact, the power grid is more reliable today than it’s ever been.


  1. It’s Made in America week, but Homeland Security allows an additional 15,000 H-2B visas (for low-wage, foreign workers). The reasoning is that these workers help American businesses to prosper.
  2. As Trump pushes Made in America week, the administration also tries to defund a Labor Department agency that helps American workers compete fairly in the global market.
  3. The Trump administration announces their NAFTA objectives, which so far mostly seem to be around tougher enforcements. Trump says that the current deal is good for farmers and ranchers, but maintains that it is bad for manufacturing.
  4. The House releases a budget plan this week that increases defense spending more than Trump’s plan, cuts domestic spending less, and assumes a lower rate of growth. It also pushes options for private plans in place of Medicare.
  5. At the same time, the Senate Appropriations Committee announces funding levels that are relatively in line with the current levels, giving House moderates more ammunition.
  6. The House budget bill pretty much cancels trumps budget provisions for school choice vouchers.
  7. Mexico signs a trade deal with Brazil, which means the U.S. is no longer their sole provider of corn. They’re working on another deal with Argentina. U.S. corn sales to Mexico are already down 7% this year.
  8. Canada finalized a trade deal with the EU that will cut into U.S. sales of processed goods to Canada.
  9. The U.S. signs a deal with China that’s been decades in the making and that will allow the U.S. to sell rice to China.
  10. Infrastructure, which IMO is the one thing that might get bipartisan agreement, is stuck behind other legislative issues, including the budget, the debt ceiling, tax reform, and immigration laws. It’s not looking like it’ll happen anytime soon.


  1. A South Carolina State Election Commission report says there were about 150,000 attempts to hack into their voter registration system on Election Day last year.
  2. The Illinois State Board of Elections says they were being hit by hacking attempts 5 times per second, 24/7, from late June to mid-August 2016. Hackers accessed around 90,000 voter records.
  3. The Election Integrity Commission holds its first meeting. Commission member Hans von Spakovsky, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation who is actively looking for massive voter fraud, hands out copies of his voter fraud database. To put voter fraud in perspective, the database contains around 1,000 prosecuted cases over the past 15 years. That’s fewer than 70 cases a year out of more than 100,000,000 votes (so conservatively, a .00007% incidence). A quick check of his database shows that several of those cases were by candidates, not voters, so the rate of actual voter fraud is even lower than that.
  4. Cory Booker introduces a bill to repeal Trumps executive order on the voter fraud commission and to block federal funds from being used for it.
  5. Obama’s cybersecurity team had a plan in place to minimize damage caused by any last-minute cyber attack efforts by the Russians on election day.


  1. Sean Spicer resigns upon Trump’s hiring of Anthony Scaramucci as communications director. Scaramucci is the senior vice president and chief strategy officer at the Export-Import Bank.
  2. Scarmaucci’s hiring took most everyone in the White House by surprise.
  3. Scaramucci starts deleting old tweets and social media posts that spoke against Trump or the RNC. At least he’s being transparent about it. He announced he was doing it saying his views have evolved, after which social media users furiously comb through and save his old posts. The internet is forever folks.
  4. And no wonder he’s doing this. He “called Hillary Clinton incredibly competent and appeared to be at odds with his new boss on issues such as gun control, climate change, Islam and illegal immigration …”
  5. Doctors diagnose John McCain with aggressive brain cancer, the same one that both Ted Kennedy and Beau Biden had.
  6. Trump says Akie Abe, the wife of China’s prime minister, didn’t talk to him at the G20 dinner because she doesn’t speak any English. But she speaks it pretty well.
  7. In areas of Texas where Planned Parenthood facilities closed and abstinence-only sex ed is taught, the teen abortion rate has increased 3%. Meanwhile, the nationwide trend has been decreasing.
  8. Trump nominates Sam Clovis as head of science at the USDA. Clovis is a former radio talk show host who doesn’t have a background in science. This, even though the role is only available to scientists according to congressional rules. He also denies anthropogenic global warming.
  9. As a way to address problems around the opioid epidemic, a judge gives Tennessee inmates an option: early release or long-term contraception (vasectomy for men or contraceptive implant for women).
  10. Jared Kushner failed to disclose over 70 assets on his initial financial disclosure. He’s updated the disclosure over 30 times since March. This affects Ivanka as well as the disclosure includes family members.
  11. An interesting legal battle is brewing between federal agencies over ExxonMobil’s alleged violation of Russia sanctions. The violation occurred in 2014 under the helm of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and Exxon was fined $2 million. In response, Exxon named Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin in a legal complaint.
  12. Tillerson hires consulting companies Deloitte and Insigniam to help with the State Department reorganization.
  13. New Hampshire becomes the 22nd state to legalize pot.
  14. One reason for the slowdown in the vetting process for Trump’s nominees is that we’ve never had so many nominees with such complex financial holdings and conflicts of interest. Several of them dropped out because they got frustrated with having to comply with the ethics rules.


  1. Only 45% of Republicans believe that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer during the elections. Even though he not only said he met with Russians to get dirt on Hillary, but also tweeted out the entire email thread.
  2. A Bloomberg poll finds that 61% of Americans think we’re headed in the wrong direction, and 55% view Trump unfavorably.
  3. Trump’s approval is at 36%, lower than any other president at this time. His disapproval rating in 59%.

Stupid Things Politicians Say:

  1. OK. This isn’t really stupid, just something to think about. Ben Carson says:
    “Let me put it this way. I’m glad that Trump is drawing all the fire so I can get stuff done.”
    So maybe we should be paying more attention to what the federal departments and agencies are actually doing instead of to what Trump isn’t getting done.

Week 24 in Trump

Posted on July 10, 2017 in Politics, Trump

With all eyes on the G20 this week, French Ambassador Gérard Araud says Trump isn’t the leader of the free world and that no one is now.

“This world order, the traditional liberal world order, is more or less undermined, really, or looks injured. Where [is] the United States?… I think it’s impossible to move on without America, and I think also that the United States really can’t let the world move on.”

Araud also points out that President Obama delegated the Ukraine response to Angela Merkel and took a hands-off approach to Syria. ”America First, in a sense, was raised in a discrete way, also under President Obama.”
Here’s what else happened this week…


  1. Large U.S. oil companies lobby against the bills passed by the Senate to toughen sanctions against Russia and to make it harder for the president to rescind them.
  2. Investigators look into whether Russia colluded with far-right, pro-Trump sites to spread fake stories smearing Hillary Clinton. There were at least 1,000 paid internet trolls in Russia putting out the information.
  3. Trump meets with Putin at the G20. Before the meeting, Putin criticizes Trump’s trade policies and sanctions in an op-ed, and reaffirms Russia’s commitment to the Paris accord.
  4. Tillerson says that Putin denied meddling in our elections when Trump pushed him on it. Like he would admit it?
  5. Key points from the meeting:
    • Trump is ready to move on from the election hacking with no consequences for Russia.
    • The U.S. and Russia will cooperate on cybersecurity issues. Trump later walks this one back.
    • They agree not to meddle in each other’s domestic issues, making it sound like it was equally bad that we try to spread democracy while they try to undermine it.
    • They agree to a cease-fire in Syria, the fifth such agreement in six years.
    • They discuss the Ukraine, sanctions, and terrorism.
  6. Trump, Tillerson, and Putin all emerge with differing accounts of the meeting.
  7. Trump is reportedly focused on how to move forward in working with Putin.
  8. Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov says that Putin denied involvement in our elections, that Trump said reports of meddling were exaggerated, and that Trump accepted Putin’s denials.
  9. Russian hackers are suspected to be behind a breach of over 12 power plants in the U.S.
  10. After the G20 Trump tweets, “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.” Republicans and Democrats alike say ummmm….no. Why don’t we just give them our passwords and be done with it?
  11. New documents show yet another undisclosed meeting between Russians and the Trump campaign. This one occurred two weeks after Trump became the Republican nominee, and was between a Russian lawyer and Kushner, Manafort, and Donald Trump Jr. A spokesperson for Trump’s lawyer says the meeting was a setup.
  12. Trump Jr. first explains the meeting as being about Russian adoptions, and then says it was supposed to be about obtaining dirt on Hillary but it ended up being about adoptions.
  13. Trump says the media lied when they said that all 17 intelligence agencies signed off on the statement that Russia meddled in our elections, saying that only four did. Technically he’s right, but one of those four who signed off, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, includes the remaining agencies.
  14. James Clapper warns that the 2016 meddling in the election was just a practice run for 2018.
  15. The State Department continues to issue temporary visas to suspected Russian operatives.


  1. A Florida judge rules that changes to the stand your ground gun law are unconstitutional. The changes would’ve increased protections for people who kill someone using the stand your ground defense, giving protections even to those who have an opportunity to flee the situation.
  2. Eighteen states and Washington D.C. filed suit against the Department of Education and Betsy DeVos, saying they broke the law by rescinding the Borrower Defense Rule. The rule protects students from fraudulent, for-profit institutions (like Trump University, for example).


  1. Congress moves toward preventing the IRS from enforcing the penalty for not having insurance, further weakening the ACA.
  2. According to a new report released by Trump’s own Department of Health and Human Services, the ACA is doing better than reported. The report provides evidence that the ACA marketplaces were relatively stable in 2016. The customer base is healthier, the risk pools are stabilizing, and premiums are moderating.
  3. Indiana GOP leaders, in an effort to gather ammunition to support the senate healthcare bill, posted a request on Facebook to “post your Obamacare horror stories here.” With about 1,500 posts, the vast majority were how the ACA had helped, not hurt.
  4. The Washington Post and the New York Times each publish a fact check on healthcare claims and bills. Worth a read if you’re on the fence.
  5. The GOP Twitter account tweets out to Hillary, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, Bill Clinton, and Joe Manchin asking where their health plans are. Hillary, for one, schools the GOP by pointing to her fully formed plan to fix the ACA and telling them to run with it.
  6. Freedom Works and Club for Growth push McConnell to adopt the more conservative changes to the healthcare bill, but these will likely make passing the bill impossible.
  7. Midweek, Mitch McConnell acknowledges that they might not be able to pass a replacement for the ACA, and in that case, Congress needs to do something to support the insurance markets.
  8. Pat Toomey (R-Pa) sort of explains why Republicans are having trouble with the bill: “I didn’t expect Donald Trump to win. I think most of my colleagues didn’t. So we didn’t expect to be in this situation.” In other words, we weren’t as ready as we said we were.
  9. Ted Cruz says the ACA should be repealed if the Senate vote falls apart again, aligning himself clearly with Trump and against McConnell.
  10. One thing missing from any healthcare discussions is the subsidy given to employers who offer insurance plans to their employees and the employees who receive them. Both employers and employees get a tax break, and employees get a good chunk of their premiums paid.
  11. Senators John Hoeven of North Dakota, Bob Corker of Tennessee, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and John Boozman of Arkansas are the latest Republicans to withhold support for the bill.


  1. North Korea fires another ballistic missile, but this time is more concerning because of the distance it was able to travel.
  2. The U.S. and South Korea stage military drills in the waters off North Korea. Good to know: The missile defense system still can’t reliably stop ICBMs and has failed 3 of 5 tests.
  3. After the launch, Trump sounds like he’s giving up on China. “So much for China working with us.”
  4. Russia and China make a joint proposal that would ban North Korea missile tests and would also ban joint U.S. and South Korea military drills.
  5. Some experts think Russian technology is behind North Korea’s huge advances in missile technology over the past two years.
  6. Trump stops in Poland before the G20 meeting in Hamburg. The government bussed in Trump supporters to hear his speech.
  7. Some hail his speech in Poland as one of his greatest and others say it’s just another one of his “failing dystopia” speeches. He criticizes the free press in a country where President Duda has restricted free press, and then watches Duda explain why he restricted Polish media from covering the parliament.
  8. Trump does state support for article 5 of the NATO agreement, which he failed to do in his NATO speech.
  9. Trump questions whether the West has the will to survive existentialist threats. I don’t know what he’s talking about here, though maybe ISIS?
  10. Leaders from several countries, as well as U.S. states and cities, attend the Global Citizen Festival in Hamburg just before the G20. The festival raises money to support global health, gender equality, and education. Trump isn’t invited.
  11. Trump’s team waited too long to book a hotel for the G20 and by the time they tried, everything was booked. The German government hosts him in Hamburg while his staff stays at the U.S. consulate. The same happened to Tillerson when he attended the G20 ministers meeting in February.
  12. At the G20, Trump’s message is “renegotiate everything.” Other leaders will either go along or forge their own deals without the U.S. (which they already seem to be doing, if that tells you anything).
  13. The G20 highlights a major shift in geopolitical relations, as European nations, China, and Japan navigate through a shifting landscape where the U.S. is no longer a leader. The U.S. typically sets the agenda at the summit, but this time we alienate our allies and are isolated from the rest of the G20 nations on the big issues, including climate change and trade.
  14. Germany and China have their own bilateral meeting, an indication that Xi Jinping wants to move into the widening gap between the U.S. and its longtime allies. He’s ready to move China into the U.S.’s position as the biggest defender of a global, multilateral system.
  15. There is agreement among all nations over cracking down on people who smuggle in illegal immigrants.
  16. Many leaders express concern that our new differences threaten the common good.
  17. Trump meets with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and reminds him that Mexico has to pay for the wall.
  18. Trump tweets from the G20: “Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!” So many things wrong here. Podesta never had anything to do with the DNC server; the CIA didn’t (and probably couldn’t) subpoena it; and the G20 has more pressing matters. Podesta’s twitter response is worth it, though, as is his WaPo op-ed.
  19. Trump is caught daydreaming at a G20 meeting, saved when Theresa May awakens him for a photo-op.
  20. Ivanka Trump sits in for the president during a G20 leaders session for a short period while he steps out of the room.
  21. The final communiqué from the G20 highlights a victory for the G19 and the isolation of the G20. U.S. views on global warming and protectionism are not accepted.
  22. 122 countries in the UN approve a ban on nuclear weapons, a potential start to nuclear disarmament…except that none of the nations that signed on are armed with nuclear weapons.
  23. Iraq declares victory over ISIS in Mosul after a 9-month push.
  24. Rex Tillerson works to personally defuse the situation in the Persian Gulf, which threatens our ability to combat terrorism because of our coordination with Qatar.
  25. A group of senators travel to Afghanistan as part of a diplomatic effort. The ambassador role there has yet to be filled and is currently filled by a chargé d’affaires who was about to retire. This is a critical time for diplomatic relations with the country.
  26. The ban on bringing laptops and other electronic devices on board flights from several Mideast countries was lifted for some countries.
  27. There were large anti-government protests in both Turkey and Venezuela this week, as well as protests at the G20 meetings in Hamburg. But there are always protests at the G20 for a multitude of causes.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. The U.S. denies visas for an all-girl robotics team from Afghanistan who were hoping to come here along with groups from other countries to compete. Teams from Iraq, Iran, and Sudan received travel visas.
  2. Businesses in North Carolina get hit hard by cuts to visas for seasonal workers. One business hasn’t opened for the season because they couldn’t get any visas, and not one local applied for their $15/hour positions.
  3. As part of a PR campaign to educate the nation about Sikhs, a group of them chip in to sponsor a town’s fireworks display when the town can’t fund it. Part of the reason Sikhs are doing this is that people in the U.S. mistake them for Muslims and harass them.


  1. A federal appeals court rules that the EPA can’t suspend an Obama-era rule that would restrict methane emissions from new oil and gas wells. They could try rewriting the rule.
  2. California Governor Jerry Brown and New York mayor Bill De Blasio speak at the Global Citizen Festival in Hamburg. Brown invites everyone to a global warming action meeting in San Francisco in 2018, saying Trump doesn’t speak for all of America on global warming.
  3. Volvo announces it will phase out combustion-only engines by 2019. All the cars they make will either be electric or hybrid.
  4. Germany, Japan, and other countries reiterate their commitment to the Paris accord ahead of the G20.
  5. The U.S. stands alone in the G20 summit statement on global warming and the Paris accord.


  1. At a time when most countries are seeing solid recoveries from the 2008 crash, world leaders warn that nationalistic and protectionist trade policies will hamper global recovery, possibly causing a slide backwards. And this includes the U.S., but #MAGA, right?
  2. The European Union and Japan sign one of the world’s largest trade agreements, calling it ambitious, free, and fair. Unfortunately, the U.S. auto industry will be one of the hardest hit.
  3. And to top it off, the U.S. automobile industry says sales are slowing and jobs are declining. This is the sixth consecutive month of drooping sales.
  4. The U.S. hasn’t even begun to negotiate or renegotiate any meaningful bilateral agreements as promised during the campaign last year.
  5. The European Union and China are working on a broad trade agreement, as are Mexico and China.
  6. Trump threatens new tariffs on steel imports from Europe. The European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, says they’ll retaliate in kind, which could start a trade war.
  7. Stephen Bannon pushes to raise taxes on the wealthy and cut them for middle and low-income earners. His idea would raise the highest bracket above 40%, at odds with Trump’s current plan and the House’s current plan.
  8. Trump touts the latest job numbers, though growth as been a little slower so far this year than last.
  9. Several states are finding themselves in economic trouble or at a budget impasse, including New Jersey, Illinois, Maine, Alaska, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Connecticut, and Kansas.
  10. After a two-year standoff, Illinois lawmakers finally worked together to agree on a budget bill, which Governor Bruce Rauner promptly vetoed because it would raise taxes. Both the house and senate are expected to vote to override his veto.
  11. Trump’s cuts to transportation in his proposed budget could cause 220 cities to lose access to passenger train service and would halt any high-speed rail development. This is the opposite of infrastructure investment.
  12. Trump says he wants to make the U.S. an energy dominator, but his actual policies are pretty much the same as under Obama’s goal to make us energy independent.
  13. Trump proposes eliminating heating aid for low-income Americans, saying the program isn’t needed any longer and it’s being abused. He claims utility companies can’t cut off utilities in the dead of winter, so these people will be just fine…
  14. While domestic gas and oil development has been sluggish over several years due to low prices, Trump tweets, “Gas prices are the lowest in the U.S. in over ten years! I would like to see them go even lower.”


  1. So far, 44 states push back on the voter fraud commission’s request for personal voter information. Nine major investigations over 20 years on voter fraud have turned up no evidence of widespread fraud. Most cases were found to not be fraudulent at all. Of the cases found to be actually fraudulent, most result from misunderstandings of the rules or from clerical or administrative errors.
  2. Maryland’s Republican deputy secretary of state, Luis E. Borunda, resigns from the voting commission. In fact, many people appointed to the commission don’t have election experience and don’t understand why they’re there.
  3. Lawmakers who criticize Trump or don’t support him are feeling the political heat of his pressure. Others who have criticized him in the past start to court him to make sure he doesn’t capsize their chances of re-election.


  1. Workers still remaining at the State Department say the department is gutted at all levels of employment and that they can barely get anything done.
  2. In an act of I-just-don’t-care-anymore, Chris Christie and his family are spotted on a private beach on the day that public beaches are closed to the public because of a budget impasse.
  3. Trump signs an executive order aimed at reviving the National Space Council. Mike Pence will lead the effort.
  4. After Trump tweets a GIF of himself taking down CNN WWF-style, CNN finds the originator of the GIF who apologizes and takes all his offensive stuff down. CNN refuses to divulge his identity but for some reason left a bit in the story saying they might if he reneges on his promise. Which leads certain alt-right groups to speculate that he was blackmailed into the apology by CNN, so they dox the CNN group responsible for the story. The reporters and their families have been threatened both online and in person at their homes.
  5. Once again Trump reminds us that he is president and we are not. “The fake media is trying to silence us. But we will not let them. Because the people know the truth. The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House. But I’m president and they’re not.”
  6. Whoa! NPR caught a little blowback on the 4th when it tweeted the entirety of the declaration of independence in 113 tweets. They get accused of partisan politics, using propaganda, and trying to start a revolution.
  7. Steven Scalise is readmitted into ICU on worries of infection.
  8. It looks like an investigation and crackdown on leakers is about to start. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman, Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), releases a report on national security risks from the leaks.
  9. The government ethics chief, Walter Shaub, resigns saying he’s done all he can and criticizing the administration for a lack of transparency and the appearance of profiting from office. After repeatedly reaching out to the administration during the transition period and being ignored, Shaub took to trolling Trump on Twitter to get his attention. That didn’t work either. He’s never spoken with the president.
  10. There’s a power struggle going on between red state governments and their blue city governments, with states cracking down on city legislation. States have tied city’s hands on issues like minimum wage, civil rights, birth control, and sanctuary cities.
  11. The White House staff reveals it’s factional nature, as each has their own PR staffs to push their individual agendas, leaving behind the tradition of keeping a unified message.


  1. 54% of Americans believe Trump has done something illegal; 29% think he’s done something unethical.
  2. A Pew survey shows that 56% of Americans have more confidence in Merkel than Trump, while 46% say they have more confidence in Trump.

Stupid Things Politicians Say:

Because this is what a free and open press is all about:

“I just love to sit in my office and make up wasters so [journalists] will write these stupid stories.”

– Maine GOP Gov. Paul LePage bragging that he lies to reporters so they will write misleading “stupid stories” about his governorship.

Week 21 in Trump

Posted on June 19, 2017 in Politics, Trump

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The big news this week was, of course, the shooting at the baseball field. Republican or Democrat, those were our elected representatives just out there doing their thing, and suddenly finding themselves sitting ducks at the hands of one lone shooter. Had Scalise not been there, I don’t even want to think about how much worse this could’ve been. It inspired Trump to give a unifying speech, and we saw the best of him and Melania that day.

Maybe we can all just try to be a little bit nicer, to stop believing BS conspiracy theories and propaganda, and to understand the other side better even if we still disagree.

Here’s a little inside look from Politico that gives me hope that things in D.C. aren’t as bad as they sometimes sound:

“Capitol Hill reporters were shaken up [by the shootings], as well. First of all, dozens of reporters work in the Capitol every day. And unlike the White House — which regularly dumps all over reporters and decries their work product as phony — lawmakers on the Hill are generally cordial with journalists in the Capitol and respect the job we do. We spend years covering lawmakers up close and oftentimes develop an easy rapport with people like Scalise — savvy pols who successfully make their way up the leadership ladder. Scalise shows up at off-the-record happy hours for reporters at the annual Republican retreat. His office, like others, throws cocktail receptions to get to become better acquainted with Capitol Hill reporters. That doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t adversarial at times — it most definitely is. It means building a personal relationship — getting to know each other as human beings — is important to both sides. We know Scalise, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer as politicians, but most of us have had many occasions to talk to them on a personal level, as well.”


  1. A district court judge orders Jeff Sessions to make his clearance form public. This is the form that should’ve listed his contacts with Russian officials.
  2. Rumors abound that Trump is considering firing special prosecutor Mueller. Trump’s representatives in the media start discrediting Mueller, even those who previously called Mueller a superb choice (which is most of them, but I’m looking at you, Newt Gingrich). They’re likely just testing the waters while giving Trump plausible deniability.
  3. The investigation into Russian hackers discovers that the hackers tapped 39 states in their hacking efforts. They breached campaign finance data and voter data, and they tried to change or delete information in at least one voter database.
  4. Jeff Sessions testifies in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, but doesn’t reveal much except for that he has a pretty lousy memory. He defended himself heartily, refused to answer questions about conversations with Trump (citing a non-existent guideline), contradicted himself a few times, and used “I don’t recall” throughout most of the hearing.
  5. An American lobbyist for Russian entities contradicts Sessions’ testimony, saying that he himself attended two dinners with Sessions and Republican foreign policy officials.
  6. Some Democrats call for Sessions to step down, saying that his refusal to appear before the Judiciary Committee indicates that the Russia probe is preventing him from doing his job.
  7. Special Counsel Mueller interviews senior intelligence officials for more information about whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice. His group also starts looking into whether Trump associates committed any financial crimes. The focus of the Russia investigation has been mostly about Russia meddling in our elections; but since Comey’s firing, the focus seems to be expanding.
  8. So to recap, here’s what Mueller’s investigating: 1) Russia meddling in the election, 2) possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, 3) possible obstruction of justice by Trump, and 4) possible financial crimes around any of the above. The House committee might also investigate the obstruction question, but the Senate committee is leaving it to Mueller.
  9. Trump associates who are being investigated for financial and business dealings now include Jared Kushner as well as Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Carter Page.
  10. Trump acknowledges in a tweet that he’s under investigation in the Russia probe for firing Comey, and seemed to blame Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein for what he calls a “witch hunt.” Later in the week, one of Trump’s lawyers walks that back, saying Trump is NOT under investigation for obstruction. But that was after he complained that Trump WAS being investigated for firing Comey even though the DOJ had recommended it.
  11. Rosenstein faces pressure to recuse himself from the Russia investigation after the above tweet, and he acknowledges it could happen. This would definitely be unprecedented.
  12. Rosenstein urges caution about believing information coming from unnamed sources.
  13. Trump’s long-time personal attorney, Michael Cohen, retains a lawyer for himself.
  14. Alexis Navalny, Russia’s opposition leader, is arrested just before an anti-corruption protest and receives a 30-day sentence for illegally staging anti-government rallies. Tens of thousands of Russians join the protest across the country. Side note: Navalny will likely run against Putin in the next election.
  15. Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak hosts Washington insiders and diplomats to celebrate Russia Day. He seems to be trying to mend frayed relations between our countries, handing out pamphlets that talk about our close relationship, including this: “As an American, I love Russia because if not for Russia, there may not have been a United States of America.”
  16. Paul Manafort continues to try to lure business partners with promises of access to Trump.


  1. Maryland and D.C. attorneys general sue Trump for his failure to divest sufficiently of his businesses, saying that it violates the emoluments clause.
  2. Almost 200 Democratic members of congress also sue Trump for violations of the emoluments clause.
  3. In a similar case in NY brought by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), the DOJ argues that Trump can accept payments from foreign governments and also that CREW has no standing to sue.
  4. The Standing Rock Sioux get a small win in court when a federal judge rules that the Army Corps of Engineers didn’t perform an adequate environmental study. The judge didn’t rule that the pipe be shut down—that decision is pending another hearing—so it’s a mixed result for the tribe.
  5. Preet Bharara, fired NY attorney general, says his initial meetings with Trump were strikingly similar to the meetings described by Comey, and that they made him uncomfortable as well.
  6. Jeff Sessions wants to prosecute medical marijuana providers, and asks leaders in congress to remove federal protections for them.


  1. Trump calls the House healthcare bill “mean.” The same healthcare bill that he lauded in a Rose Garden ceremony last month. The same healthcare bill that he pushed so hard for the House to pass. This slip will likely undo much of the goodwill between him and the representatives who put themselves on the line to get the bill passed.
  2. Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS resign, saying Trump doesn’t care about the issue. The government website on HIV was taken down after the inauguration and has yet to be replaced, and Trump hasn’t appointed anyone to lead the council.
  3. The Senate committee tasked with creating a Senate version of the ACA replacement bill continues to hold the contents of the bill in secrecy, though senators have said it includes about 80% of what the House bill does (yes, the same bill that would drop 23 million Americans from coverage and grant waivers to states so insurance companies don’t have to provide full coverage and so they can charge higher premiums to older people and people with pre-existing conditions).
  4. Even Senate Republicans are critical of the secrecy and lack of transparency in the healthcare bill process, and caution against rushing it to a vote.


  1. After threatening to dump the entire agreement, Trump rolls back two of Obama’s changes to the Cuba policy, reinstating restrictions on travel and on doing business with military-owned companies there. It’s causing confusion and worry on the island, especially in light of the pre-election rhetoric. Even Republicans criticize this decision, though Marco Rubio was pushing for it.
  2. Theresa May apologizes to the U.K.’s members of parliament for the recent election mess.
  3. Trump gives the Pentagon authority to set the number of troops in Afghanistan. They now have this authority in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, and already plan to send 4,000 new troops to Afghanistan.
  4. Officials say the Turkish guards who attacked protestors outside the Turkish embassy in D.C. a few weeks ago will be charged with misdemeanors.
  5. On the heels of last week’s confusion over whether the U.S. approves or disapproves of four Mideast nations cutting off ties with Qatar, US authorizes the sale over $21 billion in US weapons to Qatar.
  6. Another van drives into a crowd of people in London. This time, it’s a man who says he wants to kill Muslims who drives into a group of Muslims as they were leaving a mosque after finishing prayers during their holy month of Ramadan. Ten are injured and one killed. A suspect is arrested and it’s being handled as a terrorist attack.
  7. The U.S. shoots down a Syrian bomber that dropped bombs on a Syrian militia that is helping us fight ISIS, a move Russia condemns as a “flagrant violation of international law.” Russia says they’ll treat our planes and drones as targets if they’re in the area again and is suspending an agreement that minimizes in-flight incidences in Syrian airspace.
  8. Russian forces claim to have killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but the U.S. hasn’t been able to confirm (it’s not the first time he’s been reported dead).
  9. Otto Warmbier, who was detained in North Korea for over a year for allegedly trying to steal a propaganda banner, returns home in a coma. He’s apparently been in that state for over a year. Late Update: Otto passed away this morning.
  10. A Navy warship collides with a Philippine container ship off the shore of Japan killing seven U.S. sailors.
  11. The Australian Prime Minister is caught on tape making fun of Trump, and later apologizes.


  1. With almost complete bipartisan support, the Senate approves a bill on new sanctions for Russia (over their election meddling) and Iran (over human rights violations and support of terrorists). In an indication that lawmakers are concerned about Trump’s relationship with Russia, the bill requires a congressional review to ease any current sanctions against Russia. The bill also penalizes the hackers who have been carrying out cyberattacks for the Russian government.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. In the second such loss, the ninth circuit court rules against Trump’s travel ban, refusing to lift the stay and calling the ban discriminatory.
  2. The 90-day period ending the travel ban would’ve ended this month had the ban been allowed.
  3. The Commerce Department updates its equal opportunity employment statement by removing gender identity and sexual orientation from the list of protected groups.
  4. Trump issues a memorandum to continue Obama-era programs to protect Dreamers from deportation and to continue providing them with work permits. He makes no promises about the long-term fate of the program though, and formally ends the process started by Obama to protect Dreamers’ parents.
  5. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signs HB 3859 into law, which allows child welfare groups, like adoption and foster care agencies, to deny qualified people who want to adopt a child or care for a child in need. Under this law, these agencies can discriminate against LGBTQ couples, interfaith couples, single parents, someone who was previously divorced… basically any reason they can come up with as a religious objection.
  6. In a series of raids, ICE detains dozens of Iraqi Christians who are now at risk of deportation to a country where they will likely be persecuted. The affected communities are angered because Trump promised to protect them from persecution in the Mideast.
  7. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights unanimously approves a two-year investigation into how budget and staffing levels affect civil rights offices and how they affect those offices’ ability to enforce civil rights laws. The bipartisan commission voiced concern that marginalized groups are at greater risk of discrimination. They’re also concerned about Betsy DeVos’s refusal to guarantee civil rights to minority groups in schools.
  8. A jury acquitted the police officer who killed Philando Castile last year, leading to large protests in St. Paul, MN. Castile told the officer he had a gun and a license for it, but the officer shot him anyway.
  9. U.S. Park Rangers find a noose hanging outside the National Gallery of Art in D.C., the third one found in recent weeks. The other two were at the National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Hirshhorn Museum.


  1. The Trump administration rescinded rules protecting whales and sea turtles that get caught up in fishing nets off the West Coast. Ironically, the fishing industry proposed the rules in the first place, and didn’t ask for them to be removed.
  2. Michigan’s attorney general charges five Michigan officials with involuntary manslaughter around the Flint water crisis. Over a dozen people have been charged in this investigation.
  3. The Department of Energy closed the Office of International Climate and Technology, which works on climate change abroad and helps provide technical advice to other nations on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Members from both sides of the aisle of the House Appropriations Committee told Scott Pruitt that Trump’s proposed cuts to the EPA would not be approved. Nearly every member opposed reductions to environmental programs and most agreed that climate change still needs to be addressed. Note: This is a bipartisan, Republican-led committee. And they think climate change needs to be addressed.


  1. The Fed raises interest rates again, a sign that the economy continues to do well. Jobs and wages continue their steady growth, and the economy has grown for eight years straight.
  2. Trump signs an executive order promoting apprenticeships as a way for people to get the skills they need for the new economy. He wants to increase the number to more than 10 times what we have currently, but he’s not allocating much more money toward the effort than Obama did in 2016.
  3. The Department of Agriculture finalizes a China trade deal that has been in process since last year. It allows U.S. beef exports into China, promotes U.S. dairy in China, and allows us to import chickens from China.


  1. Trump starts the week off with a meeting of his cabinet members who douse him in praise… until they start to realize that this is being recorded for posterity. It was a very weird moment. For comparison, here’s a tweet from Chris Lu: “I ran 16 Cabinet meetings during Obama’s 1st term. Our Cabinet was never told to sing Obama’s praises. He wanted candid advice not adulation.”
  2. Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) says the Trump administration is worse than the Obama administration at delivering on congressional requests for documents and information. And if you remember, that was a very big complaint about Obama.
  3. File this under “Why Wasn’t This Done Sooner?” Trump officially orders the government to stop reporting on the Y2K bug… which didn’t live up to it’s apocalyptic expectations 17 years ago. Though the reporting requirement wasn’t removed until now, in practice most offices were ignoring this requirement anyway.
  4. A court sentences Greg Gianforte to community service, anger management, and a small fine for assaulting a reporter the day before he was elected.
  5. Washington is extremely shaken this week after a lone gunman attacks Republican members of congress while they practice for a charity baseball game. The gunman is killed and five others are injured, including House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, who was shot in the hip and has been in critical condition, and lobbyist Matt Mika, who was shot in the chest and has also been in critical condition. Two staffers and a D.C. police officer were also injured. Interestingly, lawmakers had expressed concerns about safety the previous week. They’ve felt fairly safe in Washington until now.
  6. The shooting is followed by creepy email threats to Representatives. One of them read: “One down, 216 to go… You sold your soul.”
  7. The charity game goes on as planned, and draws a bigger crowd than ever.
  8. The shooting spurred a lot of reaching out across the aisle. When they heard of the shooting, Democrats practicing on a different field huddled in the dugout to pray for their colleagues on the other side. Members of Congress did media interviews with members of the other side. When they won the game, the Democrats gave the Republicans the trophy to put in Scalises’s room while he recovers.
  9. And then someone blames Bernie and someone blames Obama, and the back and forth starts up again.
  10. A congressional hearing on gun legislation is postponed in the wake of the above shooting. While the measure in question is primarily about recreational shooting, it would make it easier to buy silencers and to transport guns across state lines, and would also ease restrictions on armor-piercing bullets.
  11. On the same day as the ballpark shooting, a gunman opened fire in a UPS facility, killing three and then himself.
  12. Cindy McCain (John’s wife) accepts a position at the state department after being aggressively recruited by Trump. She’ll focus on stopping human trafficking, refugee issues, and humanitarian aid.
  13. The FDA announces that the “added sugar” requirements for nutritional labels are delayed indefinitely, the third such change to Obama’s labeling requirements. These are the changes championed by Michelle Obama, indicating that the effort to erase the Obama presidency doesn’t end with Barack but also extends to Michelle.
  14. Trump appoints Lynne Patton to lead the HUD department in New York and New Jersey. If you don’t recognize the name, it’s probably because she is an event planner for the Trump organization. She claims to have a law degree from Quinnipiac, but the school says she doesn’t.
  15. Trump blocks a slew of Twitter followers who regularly troll him and make him mad, including a veteran’s group.


  1. 45% of Americans polled trust Comey to tell the truth compared to 32% who trust Trump.
  2. 50% of CEOs polled give Trump an F for his performance so far, and 21% give him a D. Just 1% give him an A. Over 65% disapprove of pulling out of the Paris agreement, 75% say his budget isn’t sound, and 86% are worried he’s minimizing the impact of Russian influence.
  3. Trump hits the 60% disapproval mark in the Gallup poll.

Week 20 in Trump

Posted on June 12, 2017 in Politics, Trump

Attribution: Getty Images

Sorry for the long post but a lot happened again this week—though the news was all about Comey, all the time.

“Lordy, I hope there are tapes.” The White House won’t confirm the existence of the tapes Trump tweeted about, but if they do exist we could get through this a lot faster.


  1. The Great America Alliance PAC takes out an attack ad against Comey the day before he testifies. The White House tries to undermine Comey and the RNC mobilizes its base by issuing an email: “Talking Points and Digital Packet for Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing.” Tip: This is not a court of public opinion.
  2. Trump’s lawyers urge him not to tweet during Comey’s testimony, and Trump’s staff keeps him busy throughout most of the hearing.
  3. Comey testifies in front of a Senate committee (as if you didn’t know). Half of the committee asks about the Russia probe and alleged interference by Trump while the other half asks about Clinton’s email investigation. Main takeaways:
    • Trump wasn’t personally under investigation at the time of Comey’s firing, though the issue of collusion is being taken up by Special Prosecutor Mueller.
    • Trump asked Comey to take it easy on Flynn in a conversation where he asked everyone but Comey to leave the room. Mueller is looking into this.
    • The day after the above, Comey asked Sessions not to leave him alone with Trump, saying private interactions were inappropriate.
    • After Trump tweeted that he had tapes of their conversations, Comey leaked his own memo about the Flynn conversation in order to force the appointment of a special prosecutor. He has since provided copies of all his memoranda to Mueller. Note that this is not illegal but is also not consistent with FBI employment agreements.
    • Sessions never questioned why Trump kicked everyone but Comey out of the Oval Office for a private meeting.
    • Comey was so worried about misunderstandings and lies in his conversations with Trump, he made copious notes of all of them.
    • Comey suspected beforehand that Sessions would have to recuse himself and also didn’t seem to trust Sessions to keep sensitive information from the White House. The only way Comey would have known this beforehand is if Sessions’ name had come up in the investigation.
    • Comey believes Trump when he says he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. Comey also accused the administration of defaming both him and the FBI as part of that firing.
    • Neither Sessions nor Rosenstein expressed dissatisfaction with Comey’s job performance prior to the letters they sent to Trump (at Trump’s request).
    • Russia interfered in our elections and will continue to do so.
    • There is still a lot of information Comey can’t talk about.
    • Comey said an article published last February in the NY Times was largely inaccurate, though the NY Times stands by their reporting and much of the substance of the story has already been shown to be true.
  4. Paul Ryan defends Trump’s actions with Comey, saying “he’s new to this.”
  5. Trump basically says Comey lied under oath and that he’d go under oath to dispute Comey’s testimony. But he also says that Comey vindicated him… so either Comey lied under oath or he cleared Trump.
  6. Trump calls Comey’s testimony “an excuse by the Democrats, who lost an election they shouldn’t have lost,” though Comey’s a lifelong Republican. And also Republicans control congress and the committees investigating Russia ties.
  7. In his rebuttal to Comey’s version of events, Trump’s lawyer gets the timeline wrong for what the NY Times reported and when they reported it in relation to the release of Comey’s memo.
  8. Both sides are claiming victory here, or as was heard over the weekend “Comey Poisons Trump: Trump Claims Victory.”
  9. Representative Al Green (D-Texas) begins writing articles of impeachment against Trump for his firing of Comey. #premature


  1. A classified document shows that Russian military intelligence ran cyberattacks against voting system software vendors. They used the hacked data to send spear-phishing emails to over 100 local election officials before last year’s elections. They targeted multiple states and got into at least one voter database.
  2. The above information was leaked to The Intercept. The Feds arrest the suspected leaker, Reality Winner, confirming the existence of the document.
  3. It turns out that the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee, which recently issued subpoenas to learn more about the unmasking of names of U.S. citizens, had also themselves asked to unmask the names of organizations and individuals last year. Devin Nunes signed off on all subpoenas.
  4. Putin denies that he has compromising information on Trump.
  5. This was under International last week, but all things come around to Russia. After four nations—Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, and Bahrain—cut ties with Qatar, the FBI joins the Qatar government in investigating the involvement of Russian hackers. They suspect the hackers planted a false story with Qatar’s state news agency, launching a Mideast crisis.
  6. Trump is smart to get private counsel from outside the White House. When Ken Starr was investigating Clinton, he got attorney/client privilege thrown out when it came to conversations with White House counsel, setting a precedent that could still be used.
  7. Intelligence Director Dan Coats corroborates Comey’s story that Trump requested that he lay off Flynn in the Russia probe. Officials corroborated that story in March. In testimony, though, both Coats and Rogers say they’ve never felt pressured to do something immoral, illegal, or inappropriate. They both refuse to discuss specifics of conversations between them and Trump, and refuse to answer questions directly.
  8. The Kremlin turns its attention to our military members and veterans by ratcheting up hacks, trolling, fake news, and propaganda directed at them. Russians set up fake Facebook accounts posing as attractive young women to friend service members and target the DoD on Twitter for phishing attacks.


  1. Once again, the Supreme Court upholds a lower court ruling that threw out North Carolina state legislative district lines that discriminate against voters based on race. This is the latest in a string of rulings against NC’s highly gerrymandered districts. Literally, NC is the poster child for how not to run a democratic republic.
  2. Trump is frustrated with AG Sessions because Session’s recused himself from the Russia investigations and because Trump thinks that the DOJ should’ve stuck with the first travel ban, not the “watered down, politically correct” [though still unconstitutional] version. Sessions had apparently offered to step down at one point.
  3. The Justice Department considers major changes to the H-1B visa program, including forcing companies to advertise jobs online first and hire U.S. workers first, as well as reducing cap and duration of visas.
  4. Trump nominates Christopher Wray to FBI chief. The law firm where Wray works represents Rosneft, the Russian oil company at the center of the Russia probe.


  1. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wants a Senate vote on the ACA replacement bill by the July 4 recess. He’s bypassing procedure and trying to schedule a vote without going through committee hearings. Props to Claire McCaskill for calling him out on this. For the ACA, there were committee hearings, amendments, and a public comment period.
  2. Senators don’t sound positive, and word is McConnell just wants this done. It’s possible he’ll bring up the vote whether it can pass or not, just so they can move on to tax reform.
  3. The healthcare committee starts sending the bill piecemeal to the CBO.
  4. McConnell seems optimistic he has the votes needed to pass a replacement, but the bill is still being modified to accommodate various factions, including moves to accommodate moderates that will likely alienate more conservative Republicans.
  5. Meanwhile, five states—California,New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Massachusetts—all have single payer legislation floating around.
  6. The Department of Health and Human Services signals a reversal of an Obama-era rule that prevented nursing homes from forcing tenants to sign an arbitration agreement as a requirement of being admitted.


  1. As we learn of potential Russian hacking in the Qatar/Saudi issue, Trump takes credit for causing the situation, calling it “hard but necessary” (and apparently forgetting they’re a strong ally). He says the nations spoke to him about it before they cut ties, and that he and Tillerson agreed it was time to end funding to Qatar. Just before Trump said that, though, Tillerson asked the four nations involved to ease their blockade because it’s causing humanitarian problems for Qatar and logistics issues on our military base there. Trump later offers to help mediate the conflict.
  2. Trump doubles down on his criticism of London’s mayor after being called out for taking the mayor’s words out of context, tweeting: “Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his ‘no reason to be alarmed’ statement.” Londoners love Khan. This would be like Tony Blair calling Rudy Giuliani pathetic after 9/11.
  3. Mayor Khan suggests that the U.K. should cancel Trump’s state visit.
  4. Trump puts his visit to England on hold amid worries of protests.
  5. A man attacks a police officer with a hammer at Notre Dame. It’s being looked at as a terror attack.
  6. The death toll in the Kabul bombing from the previous week rises to over 150.
  7. Terrorist attacks in the parliament building and Ayatollah’s mausoleum in Iran kill at least 12 and wound dozens. ISIS claims responsibility, though Iran points the finger at Saudi Arabia and the U.S. The White House sends a message of support, but then closes out by blaming Iran for sponsoring terrorism.
  8. It turns out no real deal-making happened on Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia. According to the Brookings Institution, there are no deals or contracts, just letters of interest or intent. The Senate hasn’t received anything to review, and so far all the deals began during the Obama administration.
  9. Theresa May’s Tory party suffered a setback in a snap election, losing their parliamentary majority while the Labour party gained several seats. She called a snap election three years early to bolster her negotiating power with the EU over Brexit, but now it looks like her position is weakened and she’ll have to form a coalition.
  10. Unlike May’s party, French President Macron’s party is about to win a very large majority of parliamentary seats. Round one of votes was this week; candidates who didn’t win outright go on to round two next week.
  11. US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces break into Raqa, an ISIS stronghold in Syria.
  12. The U.S. provides military air assistance to Philippine troops fighting off a Muslim militant siege in Malawi.
  13. The U.S. launches an airstrike in Somalia, killing 8 in an action that was only possible because Trump changed the designation of that part of Somalia to a war zone.
  14. The Senate confirms former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown as Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, who credits former opponent Elizabeth Warren with moving his nomination through Senate.
  15. Romanian President Ioannis contradicts Trump in a joint press conference. When asked about including Romania in our Visa Waiver Program (VWP), Trump says they didn’t talk about it, but Ioannis says they did and that it’s very important to Romanians.


  1. After nearly half a year, the only notable legislative achievements of the administration are rollbacks to existing legislation and regulations.
  2. Congress looks at Trump’s push to privatize air traffic control through a non-profit company, which has bipartisan support and has already been done in several European countries with success. However, this has been around before and not passed Congress.
  3. It’s looking possible that Congress might raise the debt ceiling and continue funding Planned Parenthood without repealing the ACA, reforming taxes, or passing an infrastructure bill.
  4. Senators from both parties push for a vote on harsher sanctions against Russia, making it harder to rollback any current sanctions.
  5. The House votes along partisan lines to roll back parts of Dodd Frank, passing a bill named the Financial Choice Act. They’re calling it a jobs bill, but it really gives banks more freedom to pull the same risky crap that led to the financial crisis. The Senate has a bipartisan effort going to rewrite the regulations as well.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. Kellyanne Conway’s husband sends out a series of tweets critical of Trump’s tweets about the travel ban, saying it only hurts his chances of winning the lawsuit.
  2. This isn’t really new news, but it’s in the news this week. School kids often quote Trump to bully classmates, with many reported incidents of white students bullying Latino, Middle Eastern, Asian, black, or Jewish classmates using the same rhetoric as Trump. How do you convince kids that even though the president of the United States does it, it’s not OK?
  3. Anti-Sharia marches around the country are met with counter-protestors of similar sizes. We need better education on what Sharia is and isn’t.
  4. It’s Pride month, but annual parades around the country morph into a mixture of pride and resistance, as hundreds of thousands of marchers show up not to just support LGBTQ rights, but also to resist Trump’s agenda.


  1. While discussing our withdrawal from the Paris agreement, Scott Pruitt, the EPA administrator, says, ”I think the rest of the world applauded what we did in Paris.” First, this is the EPA. And also, no, much of the world chastised us out loud.
  2. The second highest ranking U.S. diplomat at the Beijing embassy resigns in the wake of the Paris agreement withdrawal, refusing to officially notify the Chinese of our withdrawal. He was a 27-year diplomat and was acting ambassador until the new ambassador arrives. The acting ambassador to England and the ambassador to Qatar have also publicly broken with Trump.
  3. California Governor Jerry Brown takes a leadership role by meeting with Chinese president Xi Jinping to discuss climate change, highlighting how Trump’s ‘America first’ policy is sidelining him on the world stage.
  4. The United States Climate Alliance expands to include 13 states representing about 35% of our economy. Ten additional governors and the mayor of D.C. express support for the Paris agreement, but have not yet joined the coalition.
  5. I don’t know whether this falls under climate or travel ban, but Trump floats the idea of putting solar panels on the wall to pay for it, since Mexico for some reason still says they won’t.
  6. Hawaii becomes the first state to enact legislation supporting the Paris agreement. Under the new law, Hawaii will measure the sea level rise and set a strategy to reduce greenhouse gases.
  7. Democratic Senators question Betsy DeVos on whether the DOE was behind the recent mailings sent out by the Heartland Institute to 300,000 science teachers about how to teach that climate change is not manmade. Interesting Fact: Heartland Institute tried to convince us smoking doesn’t have adverse health effects.
  8. A federal court gives the EPA until June 15 to justify why they should be able to pause regulations limiting methane emissions while they do a review.


  1. Trump’s infrastructure briefing includes no written plan, not even bullet points.
  2. Scott Pruitt implies that almost 50,000 jobs have been created in coal since Trump took office. The actual number is 1,000; the rest are in mining in general.
  3. Kansas legislators override Governor Brownback’s veto of their tax reform bill. Kansas has been undergoing a failed experiment since 2012, working under the theory that low taxes would result in a thriving economy. But it’s done the opposite and Kansas is in a world of hurt. Even still, the state congress barely pulled enough votes together to override his veto.
  4. In the aftermath of the vote, Kris Kobach launches his run for governor on an anti-immigration platform. Kobach’s the author of the strident and much-litigated voting laws in Kansas, leading many to accuse him of voter suppression. Kobach also serves on Trump’s voter fraud committee.
  5. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin takes his first foreign trip, meeting with Canadian officials on trade, economy, and national security issues.
  6. Trump withdraws Obama-era guidance on how employees are classified; a win for business, a loss for workers being misclassified as independent contractors (which are cheaper for business than actual employees). He also withdraws guidance that made parent companies liable for labor violations by their franchises.
  7. The U.S. and Mexico avert a trade crisis by coming to an agreement over Mexican sugar exports.
  8. The DOJ ends the practice of forcing companies to make payouts to affected groups when settling law suits. For example, when cases against banks for predatory lending practices were settled, the banks had to pay reparations to affected homeowners. No more.
  9. Trump proposes charging retailers a fee for accepting food stamps, a move that will largely affect small grocers but will also generate over $2 billion over the next decade.


  1. Frustrated by Trump’s order to only comply with information requests from Republican congressional leaders, Democratic congressional leaders consider posting all questions publicly. DHS Secretary Kelly says his department will respond to all congressional requests, regardless of who they come from.
  2. Trump blames Democrats for holding up his ambassadorship nominations, even though there aren’t enough Democrats in the Senate to block them. It turns out that while he’s tapped several nominees, he hasn’t officially submitted them to the Senate even though he selected some as far back as April.
  3. Four law firms have turned down requests to represent Trump in the Russia probe amid concerns he wouldn’t listen or wouldn’t pay.
  4. Sean Spicer says we should consider Trump’s tweets to be official statements.
  5. It appears that, while Eric Trump’s foundation started out doing good work, at some point Donald Trump decided the foundation should be billed for everything for events held at a Trump golf course. So Eric ended up funneling charity dollars back into the Trump business. This is under investigation.
  6. Newly elected Montana Congressman Greg Gianforte published an apology to the Guardian reporter he assaulted, saying his actions were unacceptable. He also donated $50,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists. He still faces legal charges, but there won’t be a civil suit.
  7. Trump headlines the luncheon kick-off event of the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 2017 Road to Majority gathering in D.C.
  8. For all you Trey Gowdy fans, he’s the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee where he’ll lead oversight of the Trump administration.
  9. Melania and Barron Trump move into the White House.
  10. The Michigan Democratic Party agrees to pay a $500,000 fine for misreporting contributions raised by bingo fundraisers prior to 2014. It’s the largest fine paid for breaking campaign finance laws.
  11. Trump’s approval rating drops to near lows of 36% in the Gallup Poll and to 34% in the Quinnipiac poll.

Week 17 in Trump

Posted on May 22, 2017 in Politics, Trump, Uncategorized

I wasn’t following the news so closely last week, so I might have missed a few things. Here’s what I got–at least the week started off with a bang!


  1. Sources say that in Trump’s meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak last week, he described information related to ISIS threats around laptops in airplanes, highly classified information that jeopardizes an intelligence source. The  arrangement with the source is sensitive, and it’s restricted from our allies and within our government. Trump’s revelation endangers future cooperation. In other words, we’ve shared more info with Russia than with our own allies.
  2. McMaster and others state that Trump didn’t disclose anything that wasn’t public to the Russians. Trump’s subsequent tweets indicate that he did.
  3. Some foreign officials suggest they’ll stop sharing secrets with the U.S.
  4. The source of the information Trump disclosed turns out to be based in Israel.
  5. Putin offers to give us a copy of their transcripts of the meeting to prove that classified material wasn’t discussed.
  6. Trump indicates that he records all his conversations, so Congress requests those recordings, especially after his disclosure during his meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak.
  7. Memos written by Comey after his meetings with Trump indicate that Trump had asked him to lay off the Flynn investigation.
  8. The Justice Department names a special counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, to oversee the probe into Russia’s meddling in the election.
  9. During the last seven months of last year’s elections, Trump campaign advisors, including Michael Flynn, had contact with Russian officials and Kremlin ties at least 18 times.
  10. We learn that Flynn had informed the Trump campaign weeks before he was made security advisor that Flynn was under investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey.
  11. Trump tweets his anger about the appointment of a special prosecutor.
    • “With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administration, there was never a special councel appointed!”
    • “This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!”
  12. In an interview, Trump says, “I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
  13. A recording of a discussion between Republican representatives is publicized in which Kevin McCarthy jokes that Trump is being paid by Putin, and Paul Ryan says they should never talk about it.
  14. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chair of the House Oversight Committee, requests all “memoranda, notes, summaries and recordings” of Trump and Comey’s communications.
  15. Investigators into Russia coordination with the Trump campaign says a current senior White House advisor is a person of interest and is under scrutiny.
  16. White House lawyers begin preparing for an impeachment defense. Note that this is not an admission of wrongdoing; they just want to be ready.
  17. After Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the current state of the Russia investigation, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says that the Russia probe looks more like a criminal investigation than a counter-intelligence investigation.


  1. The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to reverse a lower court’s decision that North Carolina’s voter restriction laws are racially discriminatory. The court didn’t rule on the law itself, but rather refused to reinstate the law on a technicality. Either way, that means voter rights are safe for now. This case was North Carolina’s last-ditch attempt to save the Voter Identification Verification Act, which a previous judge said was blatantly discriminatory and was designed to disenfranchise Black voters with “almost surgical precision.”


  1. Senate Republicans plan to vote on their version of the healthcare bill by August, with no public debate.
  2. Health insurance companies issue warnings about the uncertainties in the market and say that the administration is threatening to withhold payments to insurance companies unless they back the healthcare reform bill. Insurers are also planning dramatic increases in premiums because of the inconsistent guidance they are receiving. This uncertainty comes just as some markets are stabilizing, according to insurers and state regulators.
  3. The Trump administration cut U.S. aid by about $8.8 billion to international healthcare providers that support abortion rights.


  1. NATO is working on ways to keep their upcoming meeting interesting and simple enough to hold Trump’s attention.
  2. North Korea tests another type of ballistic missile. With this successful test they claim they can reach U.S. bases in the Pacific.
  3. Trump hosts Turkish President Erdogan at the White House.
  4. Erdogan’s security forces and supporters violently attack protesters outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence, while Erdogan watched from the driveway.
  5. The U.S. State Department accuses Syria of killing thousands of prisoners and burning their bodies at a crematorium. Syria denies this.
  6. Trump names Callista Gingrich, Newt’s third wife, as the ambassador to the Vatican.
  7. The US launches airstrikes against pro-Assad forces in southern Syria.
  8. Moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wins his second term in a landslide victory, which comes as a relief to most of the West because his conservative opponent campaigned against the Iran nuclear deal and for closing Iran’s economy off from the world again.
  9. After interacting with Trump and his aides, foreign officials and consultants have come up with meeting guidelines.
    • Keep it short — no 30-minute monologue for a 30-second attention span.
    • Do not assume he knows the history of the country or its major points of contention.
    • Compliment him on his Electoral College victory.
    • Contrast him favorably with President Barack Obama.
    • Do not get hung up on whatever was said during the campaign.
    • Stay in regular touch.
    • Do not go in with a shopping list but bring some sort of deal he can call a victory. (NYT)
  10. UAE and Saudi Arabia pledge $100 million to Ivanka’s charity, even though during the campaign last year, Trump criticized the Clinton Foundation for accepting money from countries that “want women as slaves and to kill gays.”
  11. In his speech to Saudi Arabian officials, Trump claims to have achieved record spending on military, though his budget has not been passed through Congress.
  12. In a reversal of his previous rhetoric on Islam, Trump calls Islam on the of the world’s great faiths in the same speech. A sample of previous statements on Islam:
    • “I think Islam hates us.”
    • He called for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims” to the U.S.
    • “There’s a sickness. They’re sick people.”

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. The 9th circuit court of appeals again hears Trump’s Muslim ban case.


  1. Trump announces his plan to renegotiate NAFTA. There’s a 90-day period during which Congress and the administration will confer on the plan, and negotiations with Canada and Mexico can begin August 16 of this year.
  2. In trying to balance the budget, Senate Republicans look at cutting over $400 billion in benefits, including Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, and veterans’ benefits. The way they’re planning on implementing the changes avoids a Democratic filibuster.


  1. Trump doesn’t believe in exercising. He thinks our bodies have a finite amount of energy and that exercising too much depletes it.
  2. Mitch McConnell calls for less drama from the White House.
  3. James Clapper thinks that our institutions are under assault from the Trump administration and urges other branches of the government to step up their checks and balances.
  4. Sheriff David Clarke, who is slated to become assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security, is accused of plagiarizing his masters thesis, which he denies. Naval Postgraduate School is reviewing it. You might remember Clarke as the guy who once said Black Lives Matter might team up with ISIS.
  5. The family of DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was murdered last year, sends a cease and desist order to Rod Wheeler, a Fox News contributor, after Wheeler alleged that Rich was responsible for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. Wheeler also alleged that the murder was related to the leaks despite no evidence of this.
  6. Trump provides North Carolina with less than 1% of the emergency funds they requested for the massive cleanup effort after hurricane Matthew.
  7. Mitch McConnell recommends Merrick Garland to replace Comey as FBI director; Garland would rather stay a judge. <opinion alert> How can he possibly think well enough of Garland to recommend him for this position, but not respect him enough to even give him a hearing for his appointment to the Supreme Court? Blatant partisanship, Mitch.
  8. Misreported from last week: The news media indicated that there was only one photographer in Trump’s meeting with Lavrov and Kislyak. There was actually one Russian and one U.S. photographer allowed.
  9. Under-reported from last week: Trump met with Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin on the same day that he met with Lavrov and Kislyak; a meeting in which Klimkin expressed appreciation for U.S. support of the Ukraine and protection against Russian aggression.
  10. Roger Ailes, former media consultant to Republican presidents and formerly of Fox News, dies.

Week 14 In Trump

Posted on May 1, 2017 in Politics, Trump

Quote of the week:

I love my previous life. I had so many things going. I, actually, this is more work than in my previous life,” Trump said. “I thought it would be easier. I thought it was more of a — I’m a details-oriented person I think you would say that. But I do miss my old life. I like to work so that’s not a problem but this is actually more work.”

Anybody who thinks presidenting is easy — in fact anyone who doesn’t think it’s just about the hardest job in the world — has never really paid attention to our government.


  1. The Senate Intelligence Committee adds more staffers to help investigate Russia ties after they are criticized for the slow pace of their investigation.
  2. The slow pace also generates a bigger push for an independent investigation (73% of Americans want one).
  3. Rep. Jason Chaffetz says that it appears Michael Flynn broke the law in accepting foreign money for appearances and lobbying because as a retired Lieutenant General he is required to obtain permission.
  4. Sean Spicer shifts blame to the Obama administration for having given Flynn security clearance, though Obama had also fired Flynn. Meanwhile, the White House refuses to turn over the documents requested by the oversight committee, something Spicer denies.
  5. The Defense Department inspector general also launches an investigation into Michael Flynn.



  1. Arkansas forges ahead with their executions, killing three more inmates this week.
  2. Trump says he’ll get rid of the requirement that employers provide birth-control coverage to their employees, but the DoJ indicates that they intend to continue fighting for that coverage.
  3. The Senate confirms Rod Rosenstein as Deputy Attorney General, and he’ll be taking over handling of the Russia probe.
  4. We learn that the DoJ, in a 180-degree turn, has withdrawn a primary claim against a Texas voter ID law. The DoJ until now has maintained that the law was written with discriminatory intent, a reversal that indicates the DoJ’s new position toward protecting minority interests. Or toward not protecting those interests.
  5. In response to a California judge ruling against Trump’s financial threats against sanctuary cities, Trump says he’s considering breaking apart the ninth circuit court of appeals, apparently unaware of presidential limits.
  6. In the ongoing conflict between North Carolina’s Republican legislature and its new Democratic governor, the legislature is trying to pass bills that would strip Governor Cooper of his ability to fill seats on the state court of appeals. In response, conservative Republican Judge J. Douglas McCullough steps down a month before his required retirement date to allow the governor to appoint someone to fill his seat. He is so opposed to the Republican antics that he is willing to have a Democrat replace him on the bench.


  1. The GOP works again to revise their healthcare bill so they can bring it to a vote, this time catering to the interests of the Freedom Caucus.
  2. Changes to the bill give states more flexibility, letting them apply for waivers to some provisions. This includes rules around pre-existing conditions, patient age, prescription drug coverage, and mental health coverage.
  3. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, government costs would actually increase by $2.3 billion if they stop paying the ACA subsidies (as has been threatened in order to make the system fail).
  4. 79% of Americans say Trump should try to make the ACA work instead of trying to make it fail quickly. 50% of Americans don’t have faith in the replacement plan for the ACA.
  5. The UN sends a letter to the Trump administration warning that repealing the ACA without a robust replacement that ensures coverage is available to all could violate our obligations to international law.
  6. The House fails again to pull together enough votes to repeal and replace the ACA. The latest iteration got the Freedom Caucus on board, but lost moderate Republicans.
  7. Rep. Warren Davidson tells a woman at a town hall that her son isn’t skilled enough to have insurance coverage. When later asked about it, he reiterated that healthcare coverage is something we have to earn.


  1. French President Hollande throws his support behind Emmanuel Macron in next month’s elections, calling on voters to reject far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.
  2. All the Senators are bused up to the White House for a briefing on North Korea by Rex Tillerson, Jim Mattis, Dan Coats, and General Joseph Dunford.
  3. Trump says that there could be a “major, major” conflict with North Korea. While most Senators and news media agree the situation is bad, Fox News says tensions are at a “fever pitch.”
  4. North Korea launches yet another ballistic missile test. Like the last one, this missile also fails.
  5. Secretary Mattis travels to Afghanistan to figure out how to handle the issue of Russia supplying the Taliban with weapons.
  6. In retaliation for Syria’s chemical attack, the U.S. imposes new sanctions against them.
  7. A Russian spy ship collides with a freighter and sinks in the Black Sea.
  8. The Trumps host Mauricio Macri, the president of Argentina, and his wife at the White House.
  9. Trump invites Philippine strongman (and human rights violator) Rodrigo Duterte for a White House visit.
  10. In continuing his moves to stifle dissent and free speech, Turkish President Erdogan fires around 4,000 government workers, and bans access to Wikipedia and certain TV shows countrywide. Remember Erdogan is the guy Trump called to congratulate on his win in consolidating power.
  11. The State Department wants to vet any remarks made by Nikki Haley before she speaks.


  1. In yet another move to pretend Obama’s presidency never happened, Trump signs an executive order to review our national monuments (federally protected and owned land). In fairness, this affects all monuments, not just those designated by Obama; however Trump has specifically pointed out those that were designated by Obama as inhibiting development. He can either abolish the designations or make the monuments smaller.
  2. The next day he tweets “As families prepare for summer vacations in our National Parks – Democrats threaten to close them and shut down the government. Terrible!” A little disconnect?
  3. In response to the executive order, clothing maker Patagonia threatens legal action.
  4. The FCC proposes rules to weaken net neutrality. More than 800 leaders of U.S. start-ups signed a letter to Ajit Pai, FCC chairman, asking that these rules not be changed. In brief, net neutrality forces ISPs to treat all packets of information equally. For example, they can’t charge Hulu more for data than Netflix or YouTube, and they can’t slow down one person’s data so another’s can flow faster.
  5. Trump signs an executive order around agriculture, which instructs Sonny Perdue (Secretary of Agriculture) to review regulations and identify unnecessary rules that can be eliminated. It creates a new task force to make recommendations on existing food and agriculture policies that could hinder profit-making of agribusiness.
  6. Trump signs an executive order to encourage offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, making federal waters available for oil and gas leasing. Many cities and states have their own laws around this, so parts of the Atlantic may still be off limits.
  7. Despite his criticism of executive orders, especially of Obama’s use of executive orders, Trump ends the week with 32 executive orders under his belt, the most of any president in their first 100 days since WWII.
  8. Trump ends his first 100 days having signed 29 pieces of legislation from Congress, 11 of which do nothing more than repeal Obama-era rules and regulations.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. According to the Anti-Defamation League, anti-semitic incidents are up 86% the first three months of this year compared to the same period last year. Only around a third of those were the hoax bomb threats against Jewish community centers.
  2. The Trump administration awards GEO, a company that donated almost half a million dollars to his campaign, the contract for a private immigration detention center.
  3. A federal judge blocks the Trump administration’s attempts to cut funding to sanctuary cities. Trump accuses his opponents of “judge shopping.” Once again, the administration’s words come back to haunt them. They previously said they would wield funding like a weapon and bring sanctuary cities to their knees, among other threats. The judge took their statements into account in his ruling.
  4. Mexico expresses concern that the border wall could violate a 47-year-old treaty between the U.S. and Mexico, and also that a wall could worsen flooding in some areas. The decision could be left up to international courts if Mexico protests the wall based on the treaty.
  5. Trump and Republican leaders butt heads over LGBTQ protections versus religious rights. Trump wants protection policies to remain; Republicans favor restricting those policies based on religious liberty. Trump has in the past professed support for protecting the LGBTQ community.
  6. Homeland Security creates a new agency, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement or Voice, or VOICE, to assist families of victims of crimes by undocumented immigrants, even though undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than citizens. Some of their work appears to duplicate work already being done by states and localities, such as VINE, or Victim Information and Notification Everyday.
  7. Of the undocumented immigrants targeted for deportation in the days after Trump took office, around half had either no criminal offenses or minor traffic offenses. The number of immigrants picked up represents about a 32% increase over the previous year.


  1. Energy Secretary Rick Perry endorses renegotiating parts of the Paris agreement instead of simply withdrawing from it.
  2. Protestors against Trump’s climate policies march in cities across the country on Trump’s 100th day in support of science-based policies that support our health and the health of the planet.
  3. The night before the climate marches, the EPA removes its scientific climate change website from public view. The site is archived, and they say they’re updating it to match the new direction of the agency. This causes great concern in the scientific community, but we’ll see whether the info gets put back up.
  4. Because of climate change, coffee production has been in a deficit for the past 4 years. Meanwhile consumption is reaching an all-time high. But not to worry; scientists are on it, working on plants that can withstand disease and grow with less water.
  5. Ice roads in Canada are freezing later and melting earlier than before, reducing the window in which isolated residents can travel and goods can be trucked. The roads take longer to freeze and the ice isn’t as thick, making it more dangerous for travel.


  1. Trump issues a tax plan, which is more like a wishlist than an actual plan. In short, the plan:
    • Cuts corporate taxes for businesses of all sizes, from the biggest to mom-and-pop stores.
    • Cuts the top tax rate by 4.6 points.
    • Eliminates the ACA tax of 3.8% on top earners, bringing their total tax cut to 8.4 points.
    • Eliminates the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax (AMT).
    • Increases the standard deduction to help middle class earners (this might require eliminating other deductions).
    • Doesn’t include tax revenue to support the infrastructure plan.
    • Rejects the border tariff proposed by House Republicans.
    • Creates a loophole where people could create pass-through corporations and lower their effective tax rate to 15%.
    • Eliminates the state and local tax deductions from federal income tax.
  2. Analysts say the economy would have to grow by 5% to make up for the budget shortfall.
  3. The Tax Policy Center estimates the cuts will reduce federal revenue by $6.2 trillion over 10 years.
  4. Mnuchin says he can’t guarantee that the middle class won’t pay more under the new tax bill but he says there should be no absolute tax breaks for the wealthy. Even though their tax bracket is dropping at least four points. I’m trying to work out the math here…
  5. Analysts say that the economic policies in the tax plan don’t support policies in Trump’s trade and immigration plans. They say he needs an overall economic vision that brings all the different pieces together, a vision that is currently lacking.
  6. Trump orders a 20% tariff on softwood lumber coming in from Canada, which is predicted to increase the cost of new homes. He argues that the lumber is unfairly subsidized which hurts lumber companies in the U.S., but this seems to be in response to an import tax Canada on U.S. dairy products processed in a certain way (the processing style was used as a way to get around NAFTA trade rules).
  7. Democrats say they’ll stall the spending bill and risk a government shutdown if the healthcare vote happens this week.
  8. On Wednesday, Congress leans toward signing a one-week extension to the budget to keep the government going.
  9. Trump throws in a wrench by making demands to begin funding the border wall and to begin defunding the ACA (specifically the payments that help low-income people).
  10. Trump backs away from his demands around the border wall and the ACA this go around.
  11. Or wait, does he really?
  12. Yes. Yes, he does.
  13. Ryan says the spending bill will not include ACA payments that help lower-income people afford care.
  14. Or wait, will it?
  15. Yes. Yes, it will include those payments.
  16. The House and Senate pass a short-term budget bill to prevent a shutdown. The vote didn’t hinge on any healthcare changes nor on any funding for the wall.
  17. Also in the bill, the NIH will get a $2 billion dollar increase, a rejection of Trump’s cuts to the agency in his proposed budget.
  18. The White House submits a draft proposal to withdraw from NAFTA. Republicans and Democrats in Congress both say hold up, wait a minute here.
  19. Trump threatens to terminate NAFTA, causing shakeups in the markets, Congress, Canada, and Mexico.
  20. After both Mexican and Canadian leaders phone Trump, he agrees not to terminate NAFTA. It seems that what actually convinced him, though, was Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, showing him map of the farmers who would be negatively affected by scrapping NAFTA and telling him that these are Trump voters.
  21. The latest numbers show that the U.S. had sluggish economic growth last quarter at just .7%, the weakest in three years. Consumer spending was down as well. This might not have much to do with Trump, though, as we’re still on Obama’s budget.


  1. To add to Fox’s public image issues, a new class-action lawsuit against the media conglomerate alleges racial discrimination.
  2. The Senate denies Breitbart’s request for permanent press pass credentials saying they need answers to more questions.
  3. It’s another bad week for Alex Jones of InfoWars, who is in the middle of a custody suit. Chobani sues him for defamation after Jones linked the founder of the company to a sexual assault case and accused him of importing refugee rapists. And then Jones lost his custody suit.
  4. The State Department removes a page on its website featuring Mar-a-Lago after criticism that it used government resources to basically advertise the resort.
  5. The Senate confirms Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor.
  6. Trump thought once he won, the press would be kinder to him.
  7. Trump speaks at the annual NRA meeting in Atlanta, the first sitting president since Ronald Reagan in 1983 to do so.
  8. Ivanka travels to Germany for a panel discussion on women’s economic empowerment, on Angela Merkel’s invite. The first day doesn’t go well as she’s forced to defend her father to a skeptical audience.
  9. Ann Coulter is speaking at UC Berkeley. Then she’s not (UCB postponed for security concerns). Then she is (forget security, I’ll just speak in a public square). Then she’s not (she lost the support of the groups who asked her to speak). The primary catalyst here is the security concern with far right and far left extremist groups, but the issue quickly escalates into accusations of free speech infringement.
  10. Paul Ryan is less popular than Donald Trump with just a 22% approval rating.
  11. A new poll shows that most Trump voters do believe that Obama was spying on the Trump campaign.
  12. And finally of note this week is this Politico story about press office lies. It seems the press were warned from the start that the White House would feed them lies just to mess with them. Staffers lie more for sport than for furthering any agenda; it’s all a game. Information is plentiful when you’re doing a story on palace intrigue, but not so much when it comes to actual policy. What they say off the record is far more accurate than what they say on the record, especially when it comes to TV appearances. For example, Spicer has lied or mislead 51 times in his briefings.

Week 13 in Trump

Posted on April 24, 2017 in Politics, Trump

You sunk my battleship!

After a week of raucous town halls, I was expecting there to be a lot of entries under “Stupid Things Politicians Say” but I couldn’t find anything worthy. So here’s what really did happen in Trump’s 13th week.

But first, I missed a few things in the previous week’s recap:

  1. A blast from a suicide car bomber struck several buses that were evacuating civilians from towns around Aleppo, killing over 100 people including children and aid workers.
  2. British intelligence was aware of the links between members of Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives as far back as late 2015.
  3. Paul Manafort borrowed $13 million from Trump-related businesses on the day he left the campaign.
  4. When Trump said that NATO was no longer obsolete, he credited himself with the change, saying his tough stance had made the other countries take their responsibilities more seriously.


And now here’s what happened in week 13 under Trump:


  1. We learn that the FBI used the Trump dossier to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page last year. This means that not only did the FBI think the dossier provided probable cause, but the courts thought so as well, lending credence to the information contained within the dossier.
  2. Documents show that a Russian government think tank developed a strategy to swing the U.S. election to Trump and to undermine our trust in our electoral system. The project was requested by Putin.
  3. U.S. Intelligence announces it’s preparing charges to arrest Julian Assange. A day later, U.K. Election Commission announces an investigation into Leave.EU, the organization behind Brexit led by Nigel Farage. Farage also has ties to Assange and has visited him in the Ecuadorian embassy.
  4. Amidst all the Russian hacking accusations from last year, Trump promised to put together a team to give him a cyber security plan within the first 90 days of his presidency. As of now there is no plan and no team.
  5. Russian military aircraft come near Alaska four times in four days, to be intercepted by American and Canadian fighter jets.


  1. While AG Sessions shuffles the DoJ toward a policy of aggressive law enforcement, as of this week he has not replaced any of the U.S. attorneys who were forced to resign last month. Unless he gets staffed up, he’ll have a hard time getting tougher on crime and immigration.
  2. The DoJ debates bringing criminal charges against members of WikiLeaks over the 2010 leak of military and diplomatic documents, as well as the more recent 2017 leaks around CIA cyber tools. They’re on the hunt for the leakers.
  3. Sessions, speaking of the Hawaiian judge who put a stay on the travel ban, says he is amazed that “a judge sitting on an island in the pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.” Later, given a chance to walk those comments back, he digs in deeper.
  4. Arkansas puts a prisoner to death for the first time on over a decade. After courts in Arkansas put a stay on the eight executions they wanted to carry out last week (because their execution drugs were expiring), the courts allow the state to go forward in one case. Seven are still on hold.
  5. After Trump’s lawyers failed to make their case that Trump couldn’t be named in a civil suit because he’s president, they argue that protestors had no right to “express dissenting views” during Trump’s campaign rallies.


  1. Trump debates his next move on the ACA, with certain budget decisions having to be made soon. He can either cut the subsidies and risk pissing off over 11 million people, or he can continue funding, maybe even fix a few things, and risk making it more popular and harder to repeal.
  2. It looks like they’re gearing up to try again next week to repeal and replace the ACA, as House Republicans come up with a new proposal. This version gives states more flexibility, potentially removing protections for those with existing illnesses among other ACA provisions.


  1. The number of civilian casualties in the Mideast has increased dramatically under Trump. It’s unclear if this is from more intensive fighting or policy changes.
  2. Israeli defense officials say that Syria still has chemical weapons.
  3. U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May calls for a general election in June though she had previously said she would wait until the regularly scheduled elections in 2020. This could strengthen her hand in the Brexit negotiations with the EU if she wins. The pound rebounds to a six-month high after the announcement.
  4. Trump calls Turkey President Erdogan to congratulate him on winning his referendum that basically consolidates government powers and sets Turkey on a path away from democracy and toward authoritarianism.
  5. Trump says both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were “outplayed by this gentleman,” referring to Kim Jong Un. Kim Jong Un has only been North Korea’s leader since 2012. Bill Clinton dealt with Un’s father.
  6. After a mixup between where the White House thought their warships were and where the warships actually were, the warships are now headed toward the Korean Peninsula.
  7. Vice President Pence pays a visit to South Korea and to the DMZ, putting North Korea on notice that the “era of strategic patience is over.”
  8. The North Korean envoy at the UN warns that they will retaliate in kind to any U.S. strike.
  9. Against Chinese opposition, South Korea is deploying an American missile defense system called the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system.
  10. While Trump continues to criticize Iran and say they’re not living up to their end of the deal, Tillerson says Iran is sticking to the rules of the nuclear agreement. He also says, though, that the agreement is still being evaluated for its efficacy.
  11. The Trump administration denies Exxon its requested waiver against Russian sanctions in order to complete a business deal with Russian oil company Rosneft. Waivers have been granted in the past, but this specific deal seems to have been frozen in 2014.
  12. China and Russian vessels follow Trump’s “armada” on its way to North Korea, saying they are just there to stabilize the situation.
  13. Trump announces the nomination of former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown to the position of ambassador to New Zealand.
  14. A shooter kills one policeman and wounds another on the Champs Elysees, with ISIS claiming responsibility for his actions. This is backed up by a note found in the gunman’s pocket.
  15. GM pulls out of Venezuela after the government says they’re taking over GM’s car manufacturing plant there. The plant hasn’t put out a car since 2015, and now all those employees are out of a job.
  16. The euro dips leading up to the elections in France. It looks like there will be a runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes, center-left Emmanuel Macron and far-right Marine Le Pen. This election is being billed as a referendum, and all other parties quickly united afterward against the far-right candidate.


  1. The Montana legislature is proposing a strange anti-abortion bill. “The bill, S.B. 282, defines fetal viability at 24 weeks’ gestation and prevents abortions past that point, even in a medical emergency. A pregnant person whose fetus stands a 50 percent chance of survival outside the womb would be forced to undergo a C-section or induced labor. Additionally, under the proposed law, a doctor who provides an abortion past 24 weeks could face charges of homicide.” This is the third anti-abortion bill they’ve put forward this year.
  2. As part of an effort to dismantle some of Obama’s financial regulations, Trump signs an executive order establishing a review of any major tax regulations Obama set last year. He also signed two memos that could change or eliminate parts of the Dodd-Frank reforms. If you remember, these reforms were designed to prevent the “too big to fail” problem from re-occurring.
  3. Trump signs a “buy American, hire American” executive order that directs federal agencies to crack down on fraud and abuse in the H-1B visa program, but that doesn’t change anything about the current program.

Travel Ban/Immigration/Discrimination:

  1. An immigrant protected by DACA is deported. There are varying stories on this, but the gist is that he didn’t have his ID with him and couldn’t prove his DACA status. Within three hours he was back in Mexico with no due process.
  2. In a twist of irony, Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whom Trump said last year could not hear his case fairly because he was Mexican, is the judge who will hear the above case.
  3. The border wall, if built, will likely go through the middle of Big Bend National Park.
  4. Controversy continues around the wall over how much it will cost (estimates are anywhere from $20-70 billion) and who will pay (people who send money to Mexico, taxpayers, child tax credits – even if the child is a U.S. citizen, trade revenue).
  5. None of the congressional politicians in border states (Texas, Arizona, California, and New Mexico) support funding for the border wall.
  6. Due to the new, more restrictive policies on entering the U.S., Emirates airlines starts cutting flights to the U.S. They say that travel demand is down.
  7. Even Canadian travel to the U.S. is down because of the new travel policies. There’s a feeling that America isn’t welcoming like it used to be.
  8. AG Sessions says they can’t promise they won’t deport DREAMers, though Trump says they have no plans to deport DREAMers right now and that they should “rest easy.” Mm-hmm.
  9. Ever since the election, doctors report seeing a surge in children suffering from Trump-related anxiety related. Symptoms include panic attacks and physical pain, such as chest pain and headaches. These children largely belong to the minorities targeted by Trump’s early rhetoric.
  10. Nikki Haley denounces the detention and killing of gay men in Chechnya. If you aren’t following this story, you should be. They are committing horrendous atrocities against the LGBTQ community there.
  11. AG Sessions sends letters to nine jurisdictions, including all of California, requesting proof that they’re cooperating with ICE and threatening that they’ll lose funding if they don’t.
  12. As part of the above, Sessions accuses New York City of being soft on crime, saying that the city is “crumbling under the weight of illegal immigration and violent crime.” Of note, murder is down 82% from its peak, and crime in general is down 76%. NYC crime is at its lowest recorded level in decades.
  13. Though Trump said it was a bad deal, Pence says the U.S. will honor the refugee agreement with Australia.


  1. Even though business leaders listed eliminating EPA regulations as one of the top targets to increase business, many of America’s corporations (from Apple to Wal-Mart) plan to continue their plans to fight climate change and move toward renewable energy.
  2. Not really a climate event, but thousands of scientists and science supporters marched on Earth Day in support of science-driven policy in 600 cities on 6 continents.


  1. The Institute of Library and Museum Sciences is on the chopping block in Trump’s proposed budget. This program finances programs at 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums across the country.
  2. Trump is itching to get rolling on tax reform, but Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says that it’s not realistic to expect that a plan will be signed by August.
  3. I’m not sure if this exactly falls under Economy, but Trump starts an investigation into steel imports, specifically to see whether the U.S. makes enough of its own steel to defend itself if needed.
  4. While Congress is out on recess this week, everyone is bracing for a budget showdown. The money runs out on April 28, and a new budget needs to be passed to avert a shutdown. After weeks of negotiation between Democrat and Republican leaders, Trump says the budget must include funding for the border wall and an increased border patrol; Democrats say no way. Even Republicans say that’s an argument for another time. Looks like it will come down to border wall funding and ACA repeal.
  5. Politicians in Mexico consider retaliatory options to Trump’s constant criticism of Mexico and Mexicans, including aligning with China and reducing their dependence on American goods.
  6. The Dow Jones dips after Trump announces his massive tax cut plan to be presented next week.
  7. After opposition from the U.S., IMF leaders drop a pledge to fight protectionist trade policies, but still say they will work to reduce trade imbalances. Earlier they said that protectionist policies could throw a wrench in the currently improving global growth.


  1. Jason Chaffetz says he won’t run again for office in 2018, and he might not even finish out his term. An opponent has out-raised him 4 to 1, and he’s drawn ire for recent comments on the ACA. Rumors abound about his reasons, but nothing holds water yet.
  2. Georgia’s 6th district holds a highly publicized primary election. Big news because this seat has been held by a wide margin by the GOP for decades, but a newcomer Democrat is giving them a run. Jon Ossoff needed just over 50% of the vote to win outright, but he received 48.1% so there’s a runoff between him and the leading Republican, Karen Handel, in June.
  3. Voting machines were stolen from an election officials vehicle days before the Georgia election.


  1. The White House holds the annual Easter Egg Roll. Despite early reports that it would be a fiasco, the event went off fine though with a smaller crowd than previous years.
  2. Todd Ricketts withdraws his nomination to Deputy Secretary of commerce reportedly because it was too hard to divest from his finances well enough to meet the requirements of the Office of Government Ethics.
  3. Trump announces a campaign rally to be held on the same day as the press correspondents dinner.
  4. On the day the Ivanka had dinner with the president of China, she was awarded three Chinese trademarks.
  5. The legal team of fake news master Alex Jones says that his work on InfoWars is performance art and that the character he plays is a persona. Rush Limbaugh has said the same about himself. So for those of you listening to these two for a dose of reality, maybe it’s time to stop. A side note, Trump is friends with and listens to both of these guys.
  6. This isn’t really political news, but Bill O’Reilly and Fox cut ties after his sexual harassment suits become public. He will be paid $10s of millions as part of the exit agreement, and it took advertiser withdrawal to prompt the firing not the alleged sexual misconduct itself.
  7. The public sidewalk in front of the White House is closed indefinitely for safety reasons.
  8. Ivanka hires a chief of staff to assist her in her unpaid role in the White House.
  9. Trump replaces U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy with his deputy, Rear Adm. Sylvia Trent-Adams.
  10. Alabama politicians are having a rough year. First the Speaker of the House, Mike Hubbard (R) was forced to retire due to multiple felonies. Then Governor Robert Bentley (R) resigned pending impeachment. Now the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice, Roy Moore, is removed from his position because he (again) told officials they don’t have to follow the Federal Supreme Court rules, this time on same-sex marriage.
  11. A lawmaker in Florida resigns after going on a (possibly alcohol aided) tirade laden with racial slurs.
  12. Trump, reverting to his old narrative, says that people who participated in the Tax Marches across the country are paid protestors.
  13. The main proponent of getting CalExit on the ballot withdraws the petition under controversy. One of the main leaders of the effort has decided to take up permanent residence in Russia. You can’t make this up.
  14. UC Berkeley cancels an upcoming speech by Ann Coulter on fears of violence, but later reverses the decision after receiving criticism. Score one for free speech.
  15. To back up the fact that it’s not UC Berkeley students responsible for violent riots, it turns out that the Patriot’s Day protestors in Berkeley traveled from all over the country to cause trouble there. According to the LA Times, “Many freely admitted they were there to make trouble and that peaceful protest… really wasn’t their goal.” Conversations on social media also show that they were working on ways to smuggle in weapons.
  16. After thousands of peaceful protests across since the election, Kellyanne Conway calls on Democratic leaders to tell people to stop the violent protests. Even though we know about the radical anti-fascists (antifa) and the black bloc instigating most of the violence, as in Berkeley above.
  17. According to an analysis by The NY Times and ProPublica, Trump is filling federal agencies with lawyers and consultants who will be creating policy for the very industries from which they received their last paychecks, setting up a huge potential for conflicts of interest.


  1. A recent poll indicates that not only do politics alter both parties’ expectations about the economy, but politics also alter how voters think the economy is actually performing now. Last October, GOP voters in Wisconsin thought the economy had gotten worse over the last year by a margin of 28 points. In March, they thought it had gotten better by a margin of 54 points. Data show that economic indicators haven’t changed much at all, but the political landscape has.
  2. Trump’s approval rating is up a bit, to 42%.
  3. In February, 62% of Americans thought Trump was keeping his promises. That number dropped to 45% in early April.
  4. In February, 59% thought Trump was a strong and decisive leader. That number dropped to 52% in early April.
  5. 36% of Americans see Trump as honest and trustworthy.
  6. On his overall performance, 16% of voters give Trump an A; 24% give him an F. Congress didn’t get very high marks in this Politico poll either.